#agatha harkness aesthetic


₊˚. Aggie Got’s You ₊˚.

Request - hello! hope you’re doing well, I was wondering if you could do an Agatha Harkness x reader where reader has just been feeling down a lot lately, anxious with work and stress, maybe some headaches etc. and Agatha comforts them and reassures them that everything’s gonna be alright? thank you sm<3

₊˚. Genre - Fluff = G and for younger readers :D

₊˚. A/n - Wow I haven’t written for Ms Harkness in a long time. I hope you enjoy and if you do then please leave a like and reblog because it helps :)

₊˚.Tags - @nyx-aira@sarahp-stan@morguexo@dj-bynum3718​ @ginger12202@multifandomfix@hehehehannahthings@evilcr0ne@emril-osvigne@peggycarter-steverogers@satxnsupreme

₊˚.TAG LIST:Guidelines/Who I write for : Marvelmaster list:Agatha Harkness master list 

Pouring yourself another cup of coffee for the fifth time, you look at your watch to check the time. “Ugh it’s 9 pm and I’m not finished with half of my reports” You groan while massaging your temples.

Being a teacher who is the first in and the last out of work was difficult. You have been teaching at Westveiws college for almost three years and you have never felt so tired as a teacher ever. The only time you get to go home early to see your wife is when you’re finished with work, marking papers, and even the last-minute meeting. But going home early has become a whole misty dream that left Agath worried.

“Where is she? She is usually home a lot earlier” Your wife mutters under her breath, eating dinner alone for the seventh time this week. “Señor Scratchy, it looks like one of those nights in front of the Tv eating dinner with each other” Agatha picks the floppy ear rabbit up and gets comfortable on the couch with her dinner plate in her lap.

“If Y/n returns home she’ll find her food in the microwave like always” The blue-eyed woman huffs and switches through channels.

It was past midnight when you returned, the lights were out and the windows were closed. Agatha must have already gone to bed by the looks of it, you thought to yourself while quietly entering through the front door making sure to make no noise to wake the purple witch.

You took your shoes off and gently placed them down onto the wooden floor, you hung your coat up on the coat hanger and tippy-toed your way into the main living area to find the television on and Señor Scratchy snuggled up in his cage.

“Oh, Agatha” Your heart could have sworn it fell in love again once you found your magical lover sleeping on the couch in her pyjamas. You couldn’t help but feel guilty to see her there clearly waiting for you to get home to shower you with endless cuddles, words of affirmation, and love that could kill a child.

You turn the television off, tuck Agatha in her blanket, and pressed a simple but loving kiss on top of her forehead. “Sleep well, my purple heaven” You whisper, carefully moving around making sure not to wake her.

Walking into the kitchen, you shake your head at the unwashed dishes, but what is a witch without magic? With a simple swish of your hand here and there, the whole kitchen was clean in complete silents, you soon realised that dinner was in the microwave so you heat your food and quickly disapparate upstairs.

You shower and throw on a matching set of pyjamas. You teleport back down to the kitchen and enjoy the delicious food Agatha had the heart to cook for you, you were reading and enjoying your food to notice your yawning wife rubbing her eyes.

“Finally you’re home” She yawned out of her lips. “Oh, my love go back to sleep” You try ushering the dark magic witch out of the kitchen but she just pouts and throws herself into your arms.

“Mmm, not without you” She muffles into your chest. “I’ll clean up this mess and I’ll be with you in just a bit” You kiss the top of her head but notice purple magic cleaning up the mess, causing you to chuckle.

“Okay, you win” You carry her and yourself to bed.

“You smell like coffee” Agatha yawns out of her throat while pulling you close to her chest. “Well, coffee is free at work so I gotta take the advantage” You giggle, holding her and taking in her gentle scent.

“You’re staying home tomorrow” Agatha whispers but you were long into dreamland to hear what your wife said.

Once your alarm clock started to go off, Agatha flicked a small purple ball of energy and broke it. “Eh we can always fix it,” She said, cuddling closer to your sleeping form.

“Ugh, I gotta call into the school” Agatha lightly rolls over and grabs the telephone on the bedside table making sure not to wake you. She brings her voice to a whisper and dialled the front office number.

“Hi, it’s Mrs Harkness calling in for Y/n Harkness. Unfortenly Mrs Harkness has a cold, I wouldn’t want her to spread her cold to any fellow staff members or to her students. She wouldn’t be coming in today or tomorrow, thank you and please have a lovely day” Agatha hangs up the phone and goes back to cuddling you.

“You are all mine today, Mi Amour” She cheerfully mumbles against your hair, leaving greedy little kisses on top of your head.

The older witch giggles to herself before falling fast asleep once again with her overworked wife in her arms.

The morning sun peeked through the blinds, shining down into your eyes, causing you to wake. Agatha’s warmth was gone and so was she. You rolled over and-where the hell is my clock? You thought to yourself.

Rubbing your eyes, you soon realise that you are late to work. Your eyes widen. “Aggie!! I’m going to be late to work” You sit up but instantly regret it as a massive headache throws a whole ass party, forcing you to throw your head back down onto your pillow.

“Hmm?” Agatha pushes the bedroom door open with a tray. “You’re not going to work today or tomorrow, I called in for you and said that are not feeling well” Your hard to hate wife places the tray down and peppers kisses all over your face.

“By that headache, I would say I was right. Since I was right, don’t you think I deserve a kiss or even more?” Her devilish grin tells you what ‘more’ is without asking.

You smile up at her blue pricing eyes. “Get me some water and paracetamol and I’ll give you more” You almost laugh once you notice the glint in her eyes and how fast Agatha ran just to get what you need.

You smile at the food she cooked for you. A small fruit bowl, your favourite juice, and even toast with your favourite toppings. You loved this woman and she knew it.

By the time she returned her smirk was hard to hide while you ate a strawberry. Agatha pushed the tray aside and watched as you took your paracetamol and water real slow.

“Hurry up” The brunette took the almost empty glass out of your hand and pins you down while beginning to leave small kisses on your neck.

“Aggie I haven’t had breakfast yet” You laugh, wrapping your arms around her waist. “Oh, Aggie’s got that all under control, dear” The older witch reassures you before suffocating your laugh with a passionate kiss.
