#agatha of woods beyond


Remember when I used to randomly post here? lol so we’re back again

In light of @essaofcamelot posting about August being a better choice for Agatha’s dad, do y’all think this was the original plan but Soman backpedaled last minute? Because sometimes I feel like he did, especially because we all thought August was her father.


agatha baby come here i’ll give you a hug


POV: you open twitter after the school for good and evil announces the trial by tale results ⚔️

the year is 2030 and david pro is dropping the first sge anime adaptation

sge x jojo screens/oneshots cause im running out of ideas and not really into the series anymore lmao

also kinda otk spoiler for the last one?

All blonde boys know is being bisexual, buff and aliven’t


more catradora!agaster

plus leaked pics of Agatha’s design in the new absolutely real netflix animated series

Day 24 because I hate schedules - First aid thingy

Short haired Agatha rights.


Probs set during TLEA

Agatha decides she wants to become tedros’ wife before she eventually dies, so she borrows one of Gwen’s old dresses (this one is kinda medieval? Idk), Tedros puts on some of Lance’s old robes and they get married somewhere secret in Avalon in front of Merlin like in Romeo and Juliet except our old man isn’t a priest


anyway if japeth can get married without a priest they can too)

Also I’m pretty sure this is prompt n 9 from the Tagatha month prompts list I reblogged a while ago

Me posting agaster stuff during tagatha month like
