#agent carter valentines



We only have 9 signups so far, so I’m extending the deadline to December 17. This will not affect the due date; you don’t have to have the fic/art/vid done until Feb. 7!

Here are the minimums for the works:

  • Fic: minimum 300 words.
  • Art: one finished original piece of art, at least 500px by 500px. The art can be created by traditional means (inked, sketched, etc.) or digitally.
  • Video: minimum one (1) minute.

Visit https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Agent_Carter_Valentines_2019/profile for more information and to sign up.


The Agent Carter Valentine Exchange is a go for 2019! For those who don’t know, the AC Valentine Exchange is fandom exchange on AO3 that’s all about Agent Carter characters and relationships – friendship, bro-ships and love-ships. Fics, art, videos… they’re all welcome.

Requests and offers open soon. Stay tuned!

Can’t wait!


Agent Carter Valentines 2019?

Is there interest in doing Agent Carter Valentines again? Let me know!

