#agent peña x reader






gif by @trashcora

Pairing: Javier Peña x f! sex worker 

Rating: explicit, mentions of sex work 

a/n: Thank you endlessly to @krissology​ for looking this over for me - I appreciate it more than you know. Dedicated to my love, @mourningbirds1​ ❤️ This is my very first Javi — be gentle!

The whiskey sliding smoothly down his throat, Javier chased it with a drag of his cigarette and glanced at the clock. The heel of his hand rubbed away at the tension between his brows as the day’s events settled between them and he hoped this would help take the edge off. It usually did.

Standing from the bed, his cigarette dangled from his lips as he retrieved a second glass from the bathroom and he set it out next to his on the night table. Water, or whiskey — that’s all he had — but it wasn’t like staying in a hotel room made a difference. Even at home, where he usually did this, that’s all he kept on hand. Looking at the bottle, he wondered if the maids ever drank what he left after he checked out. He hoped somebody did, and a knock on his hotel door interrupted his train of thought. 

Grinding the cigarette out in the nearest ashtray, he tilted his face towards the ceiling while standing before the mirror and blew out the last stream of smoke. He adjusted his collar before opening the door. 

“Hello,” you smiled politely, trying not to fidget. Fidgeting made you look nervous, and you didn’t want that. Confidence, you silently reminded yourself. That’s what they like. 

Keep reading

now hold on hold on 

kelli the way you write is absolutely hypnotic. You can slow down and focus on a scene while also making the pacing feel fluent and not sluggish and god its all just so hazy and romantic and Javi is just- im in love. You are AMAZING and i need to go scream now. 

TJ ❤️

No one touch me, I’m compromised —

Someone with your talent? And your softness? With the romance and love that’s infused in every one of your fics, saying these things about mine??

YOU are amazing and I’ll never stop screaming about it. To know that you loved this one means the world!

Thank you for reading ❤️
