#aggretsuko s3


So I’ve been seeing a lot of hate about the Retsuko/Haida karaoke scene in S3 of Aggretsuko, but I think it had such relevance in comparison to past seasons, and I want to explain why!

So Retsuko’s death metal karaoke has always been how she expresses her feelings. She’s such a passive girl that she hardly gets to do that. It’s her escape. It’s part of who she is. But it’s private so she keeps it a secret for most of the series.

But in each season she’s had a love interest. First season was Resasuke, and second was Tadano. How she came to terms that these people weren’t her “soulmate” was through her karaoke. She expressed her feelings in the most vulnerable way as kind of a “test” to see if they can not only understand her feelings, but also accept this side. It didn’t turn out that way for either guys, which is why she didn’t end up with them.

However, let’s look at the karaoke scene with Haida. Not only did he bring her to the one safe place where Retsuko can express herself freely, he met her on her level, and communicated his feelings the same way she does, through death metal karaoke! This is something that Tadano and Resasuke could not do for her. But I think my favorite part was when Retsuko started singing. Haida wasn’t scared or intimidated like the others. He faced her feelings, listened, and pushed back. He took her hand at the end and said “Let’s punch them together” We have never seen someone do this for Retsuko. To not only communicate the way she’s comfortable with, but to make sure she knew that he was different. He was going to bring out her emotions the way she knows how, and I think that’s what the writers/creators of the show were trying to show. I don’t think it meant to come off as Haida not being sensitive to her trauma, but that he is being sensitive and he wanted her to express it the best way she can. I seriously cannot wait for S4 to explore these two more, because I highly doubt this scene wouldn’t of happened if Retsuko and Haida were not end game.

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk

 concept … this gremlin but with a gunsometimes when you feel pain you have to draw a &ldqu concept … this gremlin but with a gunsometimes when you feel pain you have to draw a &ldqu

concept … this gremlin but with a gun

sometimes when you feel pain you have to draw a “monita china” with a gun …. we have all been there(?

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