#agh i was so excited about that article last night



Yeah, sorry, we still don’t actually know 100% what causes SIDS. The enzyme found is a potential (!) biomarker, which can indicate a vulnerability but in no way definitively proves that this is the singular cause for SIDS. There are several limitations to the study, including the samples being approx. 2 years old, and more importantly, that we don’t know how many people who are healthy/don’t die of SIDS have this abnormality. This is a cool finding and definitely one that will be the basis of a lot of important research in the future, but it’s overblown and inaccurate to claim that we have finally found the singular cause of SIDS. More importantly, I see people claiming that now we can stop telling people only to let their babies sleep on their backs, without toys, etc. These are well-established recommendations whose implementation caused a notable decline in SIDS cases worldwide. Please don’t put the cart in front of the horse with this one.
