
This is 52! What a beauty!!!! . . . Reposted from @beauty101bylisa ❤️ I am 52 years old today and 30

This is 52! What a beauty!!!!

Reposted from @beauty101bylisa ❤️ I am 52 years old today and 30 days sober! I have given myself the ultimate gift of health and clarity. We have only one body to carry our soul through this lifetime and never again will I abuse my body filling it with alcohol. Let me know if you guys are interested in having me post YouTube videos about my journey with alcohol and sobriety. I know there is a lot of us who have a toxic relationship with alcohol or anything that we struggle with. Everyones story is different even if your addiction is to something else like drugs, food, porn, sex, cigarettes, marijuana, exercise, etc. It all feels the same and you are not alone! I love you all very much and thank you for your support and for accepting me for exactly who I am… PS For anyone wondering about the scars on my belly they are from multiple surgeries… I had a near death accident resulting from a drunk driver hitting me in the back as I was walking home. I had a 2-level Prodisc spine surgery through my abdomen. Then 2 different incisional hernia repair surgeries with mesh, and finally a full abdominal repair with mesh removing the old mesh and sewing a full sheet of mesh into the muscles. This spans from my ribcage to my pubic bone and it’s like a sheet of armor and its not going anywhere! Also stretch marks from my 3 pregnancies which I fully embrace. Every scar is a reminder of how strong my body is and for that I am forever grateful❣️❣️❣️
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That’s 60 years old! Amazing or what? . .Repost from @tomdeanernsting. . #healthimprovemen

That’s 60 years old! Amazing or what?

Repost from @tomdeanernsting
#healthimprovement #50overs #healthyafter50 #over50s #agingbetter #over50andfit #healthylivingjourney #healthylivingrevolution #over50andfabulous #healthylivingtips #over50andstrong #tipsforhealth #over50life #aginggracefully #over50fit #over50andfeelinggreat #50over #betterafter50 #stayhealthymyfriends #50feelsgood #over50andfab #healthboost #50andfit #stayhealthystayhappy #energyboost #stayhealthyandfit #lifeafter50 #boosthealth #50andfab

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This is 59! Amazing or what? . .Reposted from @ilana.kaspov כשאת מרגישה שהקיץ שלך רק מתחיל✌ . . #b

This is 59! Amazing or what?

Reposted from @ilana.kaspov כשאת מרגישה שהקיץ שלך רק מתחיל✌
#boosthealth #over50andfabulous #healthylivingjourney #over50andstrong #stayhealthyandfit #over50life #over50fit #50andfit #agingbetter #over50andfab #50overs #over50andfit #betterafter50 #energyboost #healthyafter50 #tipsforhealth #50over #over50s #healthylivingtips #lifeafter50 #healthboost #healthimprovement #stayhealthymyfriends #over50andfeelinggreat #50feelsgood #stayhealthystayhappy #aginggracefully #healthylivingrevolution #50andfab


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Almost time to party! . . .Reposted from @pixel_pixie_ca Good morning! Hope everyone had a great d

Almost time to party!

Reposted from @pixel_pixie_ca Good morning! Hope everyone had a great day yesterday.
. #stayhealthymyfriends #over50life #over50andfeelinggreat #50over #agingbetter #healthylivingjourney #over50andfab #tipsforhealth #aginggracefully #50overs #over50s #healthimprovement #50andfit #stayhealthyandfit #stayhealthystayhappy #healthylivingtips #over50fit #healthylivingrevolution #over50andfabulous #over50andfit #50andfab #betterafter50 #boosthealth #energyboost #healthboost #healthyafter50 #50feelsgood #over50andstrong #lifeafter50

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