#agusta longbottom



Slytherin harry au where he doesn’t meet Ron or hermione on the train and cant make any friends in slytherin bc draco is a dick. Then, during second year, he runs into luna and they become bffs. This leads to a lot of shenanigans as harry becomes very confused on how much of what luna talks about is or isn’t real.

50% minimum of the events in his second year are just him being confused about what is and isn’t real. Not because of luna, he was only minorly confused with luna. He was constantly confused because of the twins. They had seen him and luna have a typical conversation and decided it was their new favorite thing. So they basically start playing two truths and a lie with him every day.

Neville becomes the grounding presence in his life. Neville is not very good at traditional learning and tends to default to what other people say, but when he is asked about somthing he’s interested in he’s very good at explaining it.

Also I’d like to add Agusta (Neville’s grandmother) being like, a flipped version of molly. She is usually seen as worse than molly but really they do a lot of the same things. So she is super strict and traditional but very steadfast in how she cares. She takes in harry for the summers when neville brings up concerns he has about him. She is very loyal to Dumbledore, so she listens when he tells her he has to stay at the Dudley’s. But she only listens. she then permits harry to go back for twenty- four hours at the beginning of each summer but no more.
