#ah congrats what an amazing milestone




hi y’all I can’t believe I’m here celebrating such a huge milestone with you all (and this milestone includes my lucky number which makes it even more special) and I’m just so thankful and grateful to all y’all for all the love and support <3

I wanted to do something exciting for this milestone! along with some prompts that y’all can create for, I want to do something I’ve personally never done before to celebrate the creators in this fandom!

from now all the way until june 26th, please send me an ask (anons or with your url are welcome) with your favorite content creators in the fandom! I will post the ask to spread some love to these creators and then I’ll reblog 3 of their creations to signal boost some of their amazing work! I always love to see the talent and beautiful creations this fandom can make and can’t wait to highlight some gorgeous creators for all that they do!

for the creating part of the celebration: feel free to create any type of content you want (fics, gifs, edits, poetry, playlists, art, etc) inspired by the prompts listed below. when you post your creations, feel free to either tag me (@angelscas) or use the tag #angels6k. I absolutely cannot wait to celebrate with you all! <3

and now, onto the prompts:

june 24th - jonasbrothersnatural//lucky//secrets

june 25th - “kiss me” //“did you know I love you?” // “I think I want to marry you”

june 26th - late-night phone calls//missing pieces//photographs

as per usual, feel free to make destiel content or anything else supernatural related! please keep your creations suitable for minors, and no i*cest.
