#ahh lilly i always love your tags




On the Precipice of Darkness

Read on AO3

Read on FFN


“Was that hail?” Alex asked uncertainly.

No. It most definitely was not hail but how was Ian supposed to explain that they were being shot at… with a gun? A sniper rifle being fired from one of the rooftops above them, to be specific.


Another gunshot sounded as a second bullet ricocheted off of the car. Thankfully it was armour plated and packed with gadgets, but why did they have to target him when Alex was in the car? This was certainly one way for Alex to find out what he actually did for a living and definitely not one that he would have chosen.


“I don’t think so, Alex,” Ian replied, allowing a note of uncertainty to creep into his voice. “There was nothing on the forecast and, besides, there aren’t any storm clouds.” It was true. The weather was surprisingly sunny for November, with a clear blue sky, even if the air was still crisp and cool.


Ian had to think quickly. He didn’t really want to reveal his true job to Alex. Not when he was just thirteen. He subtly activated his emergency beacon and touched a hidden button on the right arm of his glasses, another gadget from Smithers. Among other things, when activated they gave him a command centre view of the status of the car, which was what he needed right now. A damage report. It was worse than he feared; the shooters weren’t targeting him. They were targeting the passenger side. They were aiming at Alex!


The windshield splintered and cracked.

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*crashes through the door* Heya I did this between studying for exams hope you like it byeeee *shoves something into your hands and sprints out through the door in a mad dash*

Ahhh ohmygosh Lilly I love it thank you so much!!! *showers you with wholesome Kermits*
