



the masterlist no one asked for lmao. this is mainly for me and anyone who wants to keep track of all the parts/chapters that come out!

updated: 19 february 2021


[demigod!jeongguk x demigod!reader]

genre: percy jackson!au, mythology!au, demigod!au, enemies to lovers!au

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This drabble series is such a fun read! Though it hasn’t been updated in a while, the parts that are up have enough fun, bickering, and typical rivalry dynamics with the added fun of them being demigods going around. I love how OC and JK’s pride and ego get in the way; you want to smack them but hug them, too. The setting - Camp Half-Blood - is fun and the other members are entertaining as well; their lineage feel reflective of who they are and it’s entertaining ☺️ hoping for an update to see what happens after that!

so happy you have enjoyed this drabble series so far! i have always been enthralled by pjo and camp half blood, so this series and these characters have such a special place in my heart. i love them so much, and really hope i’ll have inspiration soon to continue their story



fwb with bts ♡ hoseok

♡ how hoseok acts as your friend with benefits

word count:1k
pairinghoseokx fem!reader
genre:non-idol!au, friends to lovers, smut
warnings:smut (unprotected sex); use protection!
rating: 18+
masterlistseriesmasterlistupdatesread on AO3

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Ugh Hoseok and his dirty mouth is intoxicating we always, love the little hints of feelings in there but the smut - straight to the point and right there with us, is as good.

Thank you!! I’m really happy to hear you enjoyed this one :)



fwb with bts ♡ jimin

♡ how jimin becomes your friend with benefits

word count:1k
pairingjimin x fem!reader
genre:non-idol!au, friends to lovers, smut,coworkers!au, friend’s sister!au
warnings:smut (cunnilingus, fingering, unprotected sex), hints of corruption; use protection!
rating: 18+
masterlistseriesmasterlistupdatesread on AO3

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Anajzjwjakks you know that sweet smile of Jimin that turns sensual, sinful… and then you’re suddenly feeling hot? This is what this drabble made me feel. This was all kinds of sinful and sensual and sexy and it just feels good

Wow, thank you! I’m glad this little drabble was able to make you feel that way :)




How many times does your best friend need to propose to you before you actually believe him when he says he’s in love with you? 

pairing:jimin x fem!reader

date & wc: June 2022 | 2.2k

rating & genre: BTS | PG-15 | friends to lovers | fluff

warnings:they’re liars and scammers!! (just like me) | a nice lil makeout with tongue

notes:this is my first attempt at being cute and funny in a fic pls be nice. i’m naturally mean and angsty ok? i’m out of my element lol 

masterlist//ao3//join my taglist

what was jai listening to?low low - wayv (ten & yangyang)


Jimin stood in your bedroom, admiring himself in the mirror. He looked good, too good. He’d styled his hair to look windswept over his forehead, a few blonde strands dropping down, giving him a little Johnny DeppCry-Babyaction. In his hand was a lint roller he used to tidy up the black suit jacket he had tossed over a crisp white button-up. His eyes strayed from his reflection to watch yours as you stepped out of the bathroom. The two of you locked eyes in the mirror, and he shot you a large grin. 

“You look nice.” 

“You better think so, or you’re going to dinner by yourself.” You gave him an exaggerated twirl in the rose gold minidress you wore and flicked Jimin on the back of the head as you walked past him to pick out a pair of heels from your closet. 

“Hey, watch it! This is precious merchandise.” 

“Oh really? And who exactly is buying?” You gave your friend a challenging look, waving your hands around to emphasize the fact that the two of you were alone in your apartment.  

Actually, I was just over at Mia’s apartment last night-” 

“Ew, stop. I don’t want to hear about that.” You gagged, clutching your stomach, and Jimin rolled his eyes. “Let’s just go.” The two of you had perfected the art of getting free food at expensive restaurants. The plan was quite simple, and it was a wonder why people didn’t do it more often. All you had to do was fake a proposal.

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Afake proposal gone “wrong”? Ahhh this was so cute! First, this Jimin plssss I love the confidence and the sass and their adorable friendship. He’s all kinds of sexy and funny and charming here, and an absolute ball of fluff from the romantic gestures to the drama of it all, you could feel though how much they care for each other. And just this image of him (slicked back blond hair pls I would die), it makes it all the better.

thank you so much mimi!! i always act like i hate fluffy romantic things, but we really can’t deny a sexy funny charming jimin can we??? i’m so happy you liked it and i appreciate you taking the time to leave me a cute message
