#aiden ford

Aiden Ford in Every Episode - The Eye (S01E11)  I love Aiden but The Storm/The Eye pushed that a litAiden Ford in Every Episode - The Eye (S01E11)  I love Aiden but The Storm/The Eye pushed that a litAiden Ford in Every Episode - The Eye (S01E11)  I love Aiden but The Storm/The Eye pushed that a litAiden Ford in Every Episode - The Eye (S01E11)  I love Aiden but The Storm/The Eye pushed that a litAiden Ford in Every Episode - The Eye (S01E11)  I love Aiden but The Storm/The Eye pushed that a litAiden Ford in Every Episode - The Eye (S01E11)  I love Aiden but The Storm/The Eye pushed that a litAiden Ford in Every Episode - The Eye (S01E11)  I love Aiden but The Storm/The Eye pushed that a litAiden Ford in Every Episode - The Eye (S01E11)  I love Aiden but The Storm/The Eye pushed that a litAiden Ford in Every Episode - The Eye (S01E11)  I love Aiden but The Storm/The Eye pushed that a litAiden Ford in Every Episode - The Eye (S01E11)  I love Aiden but The Storm/The Eye pushed that a lit

Aiden Ford in Every Episode - The Eye (S01E11)  

I love Aiden but The Storm/The Eye pushed that a little. I spent two episodes wanting to clip him around the lug.

“Aye, and you’re such a nice young lad until you’re put in charge, you cheeky little bugger.” - Carson Beckett

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Aiden Ford and the ATA Gene

Been thinking about a detail in SGA canon. After Ford’s attacked by the Wraith in the seige and he then escapes from the infirmary full of enzyme, he gets to the jumper bay where he knocks out Radek and steals a jumper. The following are excerpts from the transcript of The Seige III.

“A Puddle Jumper, with Aiden sitting in the co-pilot’s seat, lowers down into the Gateroom…

SHEPPARD: Ford – stand down! This is a direct order!

(Aiden glares at him for a few seconds, then activates the controls and the Jumper flies into the Gate, which shuts down behind him.)”

So Ford must be flying the jumper. The script goes on with John saying Ford’ll ditch the jumper and go through the gate again on foot as soon as he can. But why was Ford in the co-pilot’s seat? Force of habit as John’s usually in the pilot’s seat? Or did he kidnap a gene-holder to fly it? But no one else is mentioned in the jumper with him and Radek was the only one in the jumper bay when he stole the jumper. The jumpers can definitely be flown from the co-pilot’s seat, so we have to assume he’s alone in the jumper and is flying it.

My take-aways from this are:

1. Ford must have the ATA gene, naturally or from the gene therapy, despite it never having been mentioned before.

2. Why doesn’t he use that in later eps? He could have scavenged and used Ancient tech, like the LSD from the jumper, could even have flown the Traveler ship.

3. There’s a sad lack of epic fix-it fics where Ford uses his ATA gene to kill Wraith, help Atlantis and redeem himself.
