

Ain’t Shit Chronicles

A weak man will accuse his woman of being controlling, while expecting her to pay all the bills, take care of the kids, keep food in the house, keep the house clean, laundry done, make doctor appointments, handle his life affairs, etc.. He will want her to do ALL of this and then accuse her of being controlling when she complains about the money. He will want her to handle all the finances but will want pocket money for himself when all he does is come home and lay around. It’s pocket money for gambling really. He’ll accuse you of spending money frivolously when you’ve only splurged on cigarettes and Arizona iced tea. He’ll do this as he’s looking at yet another $10 ticket he will more than likely lose. He’ll do this as he is unable to even save enough of the money he’s keeping to buy a pair of shoes for himself. He’ll take money from you to buy said shoes, spend the money elsewhere…then on payday give me ‘some’ of the money and then ask for another $40 to get the shoes he was supposed to get in the first place. He’ll then use that $40 for some drug transaction resulting in some profit. Enough profit to get his kids some shoes as well. But he’ll only come back with work boots for him. The extra money gets spent on tickets. I’m left having to get shoes for them with what little he’s given me. Oh but then his cousin wants him to go to a birthday party for his son. My car’s broke down so no way to get there. Gotta take a cab. But he’s already told me he has no more money so he has to keep this charade up. He needs $20 to get there and back. Winds up coming to $26. He won $15 at the birthday party cuz he has to gamble everywhere he goes. All the time. It’s an addiction really. But that leaves him with $11. Since then he’s been to the store twice bringing sweets and buying tickets I know. That’s at least $30 and today I see him pull out at least $30 more dollars. So not only is he lying to me about how much he’s making. He’s keeping a good portion for himself and wasting it on nothing. He hasn’t won a ticket yet.
