#akbk wheelchair

Some pictures of the hero mom who saved her kids in a tornado that hit Indiana.  She is AKBK.  WheneSome pictures of the hero mom who saved her kids in a tornado that hit Indiana.  She is AKBK.  Whene

Some pictures of the hero mom who saved her kids in a tornado that hit Indiana.  She is AKBK.  Whenever I see pix of her I recall Amy Hawkins who saved her two boys in a tornado several years ago.  She got her home rebuilt by Extreme Makeover Home Edition.  Haven’t seen a lick of news about her in years though.

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Half of this picture is Tammy Duckworth (AKBK) former helicopter pilot, who I believe was promoted t

Half of this picture is Tammy Duckworth (AKBK) former helicopter pilot, who I believe was promoted to Major due to her injuries suffered in the line of duty.  Something about those little supports for BK amps on wheelchairs intrigues me.

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