#aki hayakawa x yn


Pairing:Aki Hayakawa/Female Reader

Summary:Midnight chatter happened mindlessly below your home. Open and shut lights from various effects flickered through your apartment’s grand window opening. A light fog encased the windows in a hug, a warning of the chill that couldn’t be raised to rest outside. A night of just you and your fiancé, Aki. The proposal was sudden and abrupt. Weeks ago when Aki abruptly proposed to you, he sang the loveliest things to your ears. You never expected Aki to be one for marriage, you had accepted that long ago in your relationship. His proposal was so sudden, it was as if something forced him to abruptly decide to spend the rest of his life with you and switch his opinion on marriage. Besides that, though you had your troubles, the love between you two was a sure thing. A reward was in place.

Word Count: 1351 Words

Authors Note: Finally finished this. Isn’t my best work but eh, isn’t the worst read either. Just wanted to post something short and sweet. I’ve been busy with other things that I forgot I had the ability to write lol. But yeah, ReblogsandComments are always appreciated. Didn’t have time to proof read so tell me if you see any major grammar mistakes! Have a nice day/night/evening.


Midnight chatter happened mindlessly below your home. Open and shut lights from various effects flickered through your apartment’s grand window opening. A light fog encased the windows in a hug, a warning of the chill that couldn’t be raised to rest outside. Nowadays, you often find yourself with a pip in your step, a smile on your face and a welcoming aurora. Despite the harsh winter breezes bringing haunting thoughts to many others, you were happy and struggle-free. Well, somewhat. Though the overwhelming weather pushes men to their limit, it only tends to sooth your love-drunk mind. You loved the winter passionately. You loved the snow, and the feeling of piercing-cold winds embracing you thoroughly. Good memories of yours came from winter. You moved to Tokyo, for example, in the season, and met the man you now called your fiance. A recent jubilation of winter, being Aki’s proposal.

The proposal was sudden and abrupt. Weeks ago when Aki abruptly proposed to you, he sang the loveliest things to your ears. Swearing that he’ll love you like a brother; a strong love and bond that can’t be easily broken. He vowed that he’d treat you like a childhood friend and forever respect you like a true lover, for as long as he lived. His words brought tears of joy down your broad eyes. You never expected Aki to be one for marriage, you had accepted that long ago in your relationship. His proposal was so sudden, it was as if something forced him to abruptly decide to spend the rest of his life with you and switch his opinion on marriage. At the time you hadn’t thought much of the matter, overwhelmed with the feeling of his lips against yours as you accepted. His dialog of promise was beautifully sincere. He didn’t need to say ‘I love you.’ His words of devotion were more than enough. He made you feel his flourished love.

You weren’t naive, however. After the death of Himeno—he was noticeably distant for weeks and he had a shift in character. You didn’t push him to talk. You only allowed things in your relationship to go on halt and become just…bleak. Right after his injuries succeeding the event was healed, he soon went back to normal once he started working again. Aki briefly explained how he was signing a new contract with another devil around this time. He never told you what devils he was signed to, he didn’t want you to know, and you didn’t want to know either. It was an unspoken, neutral understanding between you two. All you want is to be with Aki. You understood he wouldn’t change careers and the way he saw life. And so you decided to love him for as long as you can. And Aki wanted to stay with you, and love you. He wanted to live a nice life separate from his work.

And that simple, domestic life was with you. For the time being, he was okay with it. He was okay with it being temporary. You blurred his world.

Clatter came from the kitchen, Aki’s ears picked up. He aimlessly listened to you speak whatever was on your mind as you cooked. Today was a rare night where he was free from Denji and Power to be with you. He wouldn’t call this a date night, mostly because he expected better from himself regarding dates. Hell, he didn’t remember the last time he had treated you to anything.

You stirred the pot, the gas stove you stood in front of lightly lit. “Come on Aki, you have to put more effort into it if ya wanna to win!” Your modest apartment was clouded with light smoke from the oven below and Aki’s hanging cigarette. Almost a week ago while Aki and you were on a simple walk around town, your eyes picked up a poster. A sword fighting event. You eagerly signed him up despite his protest. You nudged him. Telling him a change in taste would be fun. And with that he agreed to participate.

Aki’s elbows rested on your kitchen counter. He put out his cigarettes in the makeshift cigarette tray you gave him. He eyed the pot you stopped stirring. “If you’re the prize then I don’t know what I can do to deserve that,” he muttered tirelt, eyes stuck on watching your form. Your eyes grow warm, you both make eye contact. You tilt your head, smiling. "Bias don’t you think? I’ll always choose you, even if you’re the loser and don’t deserve me.” Aki smiled at your comment before chuckling lightly and turning his gaze away from yours.

You placed the stirring spoon away and turned off the head as you checked on the rice. “Are you able to stay for dinner?” You begin stating your real motive. The motive that often drove your fiancé away, ironically. “I wanted to start planning for the wedding together.” Aki, as expected by now, went silent. Since the day he proposed those many weeks ago you both hadn’t planned for the wedding. Your parents were starting to doubt the marriage. It didn’t help that they never really liked Aki due to his risky occupation and stoic demeanor. He stood from the stool. “I can’t,” he said, hand in slacks pockets. You try to hide your disappointment by turning away, but your hanging rubdowns show your feelings fully. "But, I’ll be back tomorrow,” he added, moving to stand beside you.

You try nodding, to hide your letdown, but instead you end up staring down at the black rice cooker flashing green, and not looking at your so-called fiancé. The city’s chatter from below drowned out your thoughts, and you found yourself still of movement, and a warm face. Aki’s hand caressed your cheek lightly, warming them. He sighed, wanting to look down at the tile floor but instead kept his gaze straight on you. "Hey, look at me,” he said. Slowly, you look up in his deep green eyes, he rubs your cheek in awardance. He began to promise sincere words. “I promise you that I’ll be here tomorrow night. And we’ll plan the wedding then, I’ll even cook dinner for you.“ You stared. To be honest, you didn’t want to argue, you still felt upset. You just wanted this conversation to be over so that you can drown in your anger.

"Fine,” you state, your voice cold and dry. He sighed again, removing his hand, noticing your mood. "I don’t want to leave things like this,” he states truthfully. He rubs your cheek with his palm. “Award me with a smile,” he demanded You pout, turning away from his admittingly charming gaze. You speak through your filled cheeks. "You don’t deserve an award,”you muttered. Resisting the urge to cross your arms like a child. He pinched your cheek.

“You said it yourself. Even if I’m the loser you’ll give me the reward?” Your stomach flutters inside for some reason. Damn it, he got you there. “Fine you got me there,” you admit defeat. You squeeze his shoulder, staring sternly into his eyes. “Seriously though, you promise you’ll come back tomorrow.” He watches as you make three to go plates. He nods. "I promise you.” he says, his voice sincere as it has always been. You stop your actions and smile. “Then I’ll believe you, Aki,” you said before continuing your task.

He nodded to himself, eyes distant in a thought. He couldn’t bring himself to tell you that he’ll die in two years, he just couldn’t. You didn’t deserve to be saddened by how little time you both have left. Because even when the night sky comes falling, even when the sun doesn’t shine on him, he will always have faith in you and him. So as long as your hand is entwined with his, he’ll always cherish the sweet memories of you loving him. Even when it’s his time to die, he can live simply with you until then. ‘Cause the love he has for you is the surest thing in his decaying life.

Thank you for reading.

© All rights reserved - @UNDERSCAR

Pairing: Aki Hayakawa/Female Reader

Summary:The beyond heavens sedately obtained the storm within itself as the devil-hunters walked the halls of a familiar hospital. Himeno and Aki, Hirokazu who’s also accompanying the trip, visit their buddy who’s unsurprisingly in the hospital yet again. Though their bud regularly gets themself injured to the point where death’s expected, they feel obligated to visit you each time. Others in the divisions jokily say you have luck on your back along those claw scars. However, you all were told of how close you were to actually dying this time. Of course it doesn’t scare you as always but does worry Aki, who has been sorta crushing on you for a while. After letting his thoughts scatter for days they come to a dark conclusion, and he starts to worry that you’re actively trying to get killed.

Word Count: 3687 Words

Authors Note: This is a repost. I posted this fic sometime last year and deleted it because I ended up not liking it. However, due to being bored I rewrote the majority of it and added some more scenes. I’m more satisfied with how it turned out this time around. This was actually a requested oneshot, so hopefully the anon who requested sees this. ReblogsandComments are appreciated! Join my taglist!


The sky had a solemn look to it. Visibly ghost-gray clouds scattered the mint-blue sky viciously, aimlessly. On the inside the beyond heavens were sedately containing the storm within itself, until it was time to allow the chaos to scatter. However, as of now, it stayed determined, and it showed greatly. The poetic sky accompanied three devil hunters on their journey to a familiar, local hospital. The hospital was grand and rugged, cheap and timid. A place suited for most devil hunters to reside in when the career took a strike back at them like a hungry dog and a brash owner. With a pip in her step, Himeno found herself leading the way like a pact leader through the hospitals disturbingly white walls. She made conversation, smiled mischievously, with her head high. Most people when entering this hospital designed for devil-hunters’ unique injuries weren’t as chipper as Himeno. Screams of sorrow and rigid cries tended to often fill these hallways. Himeno showed no worry for the one she was visiting with her crew today.

Aki had a stoic expression as he followed beside his partner, almost unreadable. He had a bit on his mind and didn’t contribute to the conversation Himeno led, too concerned for your newfound injuries that he was yet to see. You and Himeno had known each other long before he became her buddy. Himeno was actually the one who introduced the two of you a few years back. Aki was intimidated by your beauty and resistance the first day he met you. Back then he was only focused on his goal to hunt and punish the Gun Devil for their cruel actions and existence. Not to say he wasn’t as determined as he was now, but it was his only priority when becoming a devil hunter. Himeno opened his eyes to friendship, and meeting you opened his eyes to childish work-romance inside of Tokyo Special Division 4.

Himeno stretched her arms over her head. “I heard (Y/N) found a gun fragment this fight,” Himeno stated offhandedly, mostly talking to the new recruit Hirokazu who offered to accompany Aki and her on their visit. She brought her arms down and held her chin up comfortably as they walked through the hospitals’ spacious walls. “‘Tis her third one,” she added. She side-eyes Aki as she says this, searching for a reaction that he didn’t give. Hirokazu responds instead, his dark eyes expanding to the size of plates. “Three?! And she doesn’t have a partner?” Amazement embodied his voice. Hirokazu has never met you but has definitely heard of you from one mouth to another. You’re quite impressive, he would say. Which is why he decided to accompany his colleagues to the hospital you’re stationed at, in the hopes to meet you.

Hands in her pocket, her fingers playfully flicking the pack of cigarettes resided inside, she smiles cheekily. “Yep. She doesn’t work in buddy-teams well,” she noted. You and Himeno have been buddies since you and her were noobies in the field. You both were trained together. Additionally you’re one of few aquatintes that has managed to survive this long. Himeno is actually amazed you specifically haven’t died yet. When you both first met during training you were an obvious prodigy in the field. Your only weaknesses were that you were reckless in battle and not cooperative to partners, not even people you enjoy accompanying. It’s as if when fighting you change into an entirely different person. Aki added a snarky comment to Himeno’s statement. “While she’s the one who needs a partner the most,” he uttered. He hasn’t known you as long as Himeno, but he’s known you long enough to call your bullshit, bullshit.

Himeno shrugged, a lazy grin still present on her face. “She gets the job done, eh? But she does have amazing luck huh? Coming so close to death so many times.” Her statement puzzles Hirokazu as he follows behind the two experienced devil-hunters like a lost puppy. “Don’t we all? As devil-hunters?” All devil-hunters encounter near-death experiences at least twice a week. Most met with death itself. He didn’t understand why you were any different. Aki didn't’ bother to respond while Himeno scoffed. “She’s different enough for us to point it out. All of her battle injuries have come close to killing her and she still somehow survives by a thread.” She continues, recalling an example. “I remember how she was this close to becoming permanently paralyzed a few months ago. Though she got lucky yet again.” The three devil-hunters simultaneously stop in their tracks in front of a door. “Right Aki?” She shoved the man. His eyes pierced the closed door they stood in front of. Hirokazu waited anxiously for a response from Aki.

Aki didn't’ respond for a second, then a another second. He honestly didn’t know what to say about your life status. Aki made no effort to physically react to Himeno’s strong words on your injuries. He sighed and stared onwards. “Death’s scared of her,” he stated. Himeno smirked at his wording. However, it was as if death was avoiding you. Many younger devil-hunters think it’s amazing how lucky you are. What Aki knows though, is that death isn’t going to avoid you forever. It’s only taking its sweet time before unexpectedly shanking you in the back. “Exactly! Though, I’m not sure about this time,” she muttered while opening the door wide for the two men to enter. The sight of you was quite the twist and turn.

The doors breezily opened and you were welcomed to the sight of your two best buddies. Their faces make your lips curl into a beaming smile that conquered Aki’s heart from the very beginning. “Aki! Himeno! Thanks for visiting me, my poor heart is now filled with riches!” The two men stared at your vast injuries, old and new. Your sun-like energy wss the opposite from your tattered body. Your hanged leg was in a cast, this being the fifth time Aki could remember seeing one of your legs broken. Your thighs had old claw scars along with recent ones around the entirety of your body. The other leg was bandaged passionately, along with your sore rib cage. Outside the blaring window was the wicked-gray cloud that followed them here, warning them of the sight of you. Tree branches flew with the thunderous winds, bumping against the window that didn’t allow the light of sunlight to seep through. Your bright personality, despite your situation, made the hospital room littered with flowers and balloons, flourish.

Most were uncomfortable with the scars on you. Others found it sickening that a woman like you were inflicted with injuries like that, but to Aki it didn’t matter. Despite being more scarred than you were the day he met you, you still had that feature he fell in love with. Your resistance and determination. He didn’t know what kept that glint of determination in your eye, what kept you going, or even why you were such a risk taking devil hunter. He doesn’t know much about your reasoning in life and what makes all the pain you feel worth it. He wanted to know you like you know him. Aki didn’t care that you had a rapid number of scars on your body. To him, you were an overly attractive woman that he desired.

He and Hirokazu stood behind Himeno, who easily disregarded your injuries, as you two spoke. “‘Course we did, bud! We came as soon as we could. How are ya feeling?” You stretched your back and whined. “Swole to put it simply,” you said. “Kinda like faith’s bullying me,” you jested. You honestly didn’t know how to explain the sensation you were feeling. Pain was something you were now very used to. If anyone were to ask you to put your pain level on a scale of 1-10 you’d have some trouble. You moved your attention to the man in the back, waving at him ahead of you. “Nice to see you again Aki, it’s been a while huh? Like a few months, eh?” Himeno situated herself on your bed, making your resting leg painfully shiver a bit. Aki and the new guy next to him closed the door behind themselves. You smiled at him. “Feel like we only see one another when I’m beat down. Maybe we should all get a drink when I’m outta here. You too new guy!”

Hirokazu, or the ‘new guy’ stuttered and agreed. He and Aki walked further into the room, dodging the vast amount of balloons and ‘get well soon’ gifts you had. You were quite popular in your division, even other divisions outside of yours due to your cheery attitude. Your small family also was still a part of your life. Aki hands were placed in his slacks pockets, he stared at you like a disappointed father. “If you keep this up you’re not gonna celebrate a new year,” he sighed. You lean back into your bed, resting your aching back. “You sound like my nagging mom! Kidding. What can I say, I’m a sucker for pain,” you wrote off. You pointed at the roof, pretending as if you had something in your hand. You cheered. “I got that fragment though!” Himeno honestly could never understand how you kept this positive vibe. Seeing your job as a game of sorts. No wonder Aki liked you, she thought. Himeno wasn’t jealous of you, well, to a degree. Mostly, because you’re such a good friend, and she would hate to lose both you andAki.

Even if you both got together like Aki possibly dreamed of, she would be happy that you’re both happy. Happy that she still had you bothin her life. She shook her thoughts off and smiled teasingly at you. “If you keep this up you’ll lose that second liver of yours,” she teased. You rest your head on your pillow, your back starting to feel more stiff. You rest your hand on your stomach. “Haha! Maybe? The Claw Devil sure enjoyed chowing down my other one, eh? If I lose this one I won’t have any livers!” You chuckled and Himeno laughed while Aki internally sighed at your own disregard. Hirokazu finally spoke instead of standing there awkwardly. “You only have one liver?” You nodded. “Lost the other in a contract. My family thinks I donated it,” you briefly explain. “I got lucky! It really felt like dying this time.” Lucky. Aki has never despised a word more than ‘lucky.’ How can you say you got luckywhen you’re stuck in such a dreadful place and in pain. How can people say he was luckyto survive when everyone he had died? In this world there’s no such thing as luckif you lose something in the process. That’s not luck.

“Enough.”Aki stated, his voice holding a warning. He was tired of hearing you go-lucky catchphrases. He’s tired of you saying how lucky you are as if you’ll just be alright. Yeah you’re alive but what about your injuries? They won’t heal every time, maybe next time your body will refuse to heal you. Everyone stared at Aki, thinking he was going to say something further, maybe an explanation as to why he’s been so grumpy today, but he didn’t. “Aki, are you alright? I’m the one in the cast here!” Your teasing smile makes Aki turn away, a frown littered on his face. “I’m fine. Just worried,” he muttered. Himeno breaks the silence. “Well we’re all rooting for your recovery! Just know that, bud!” You smiled at her words. “Aw, thanks for visiting guys. It really means a lot,” you beamed. You point at the spiky haired guy. “You too…actually, just realized I never gotcha name, new guy,” you chuckled awkwardly.

He bows politely. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, I’m Hirokazu Arai. I work in division four with Aki and Himeno,” he stated. Hirokazu understood now why you were so popular, you were so inviting and cheerful. He could get used to being greeted by your energy everyday. You nodded. “Hirokazu Arai, I’ll remember that! Oh and Makima’s little squad. Then we definitely should go out drinking soon! It’s been forever since I saw the others from that division,” you note. Himeno stands as you point at her. “Himeno, make sure to invite me whenever y’all go out drinkin.’’ She gives you a thumbs up. “I’ll make sure of that,” she promises before bringing Aki into a sudden side hug. “And if I forget, I’m sure Aki will remember! You always do remember to invite (Y/N),” she teased. Aki grounded and shifted his gaze. “You just always forget.”

“Well whoever it will be, invite me next time! I’m only a phone call away, buds.” Himeno removes herself from the hug and places her hands on her hips. “Noted. We should get going. We’ll visit you again when we can, kay?” If you had things your way you would keep them here forever, but you understood that they couldn’t stay forever. You’re no child after all. You sigh disappointingly “Hate to see you guys go, but love to watch ya leave! I wouldn’t want to keep you in this dreadful hospital anyway. See you guys!” You wave them off as they exit. Himeno smiles and gives you a back wave as she exits your room. “Cya bud!” As the door proceeded to close, you shout. “Next time you visit, don’t forget to bring a gift!”


The skies had cleared itself, and light, sprinkles of rain pampered the ground. Faint sunlight avoiding your room, somehow making you feel more exhausted. You hated hospitals despite being resided in so many in your career as a devil-hunter. In general, you hated just sitting on our ass and not working, not doing anything. Your grandfather used to say that the longer the rest, the less results. You had unfortunately inherited that thinking. It had been a day or two since Himeno, Aki, and Hirokazu visited. Your mother had face-timed you last night, but you had yet to get any visitors this morning. All you did was stare at the dripping rain through the windows. How you wished you could feel the rain peddle down your skin right about now. To feel anything, honestly. The medicine they got you put on to numb the pain dulled you in a turtles shell. You swing your hanged leg simontainely to the tree branch that blew with the wind outside.

Your swinging comes to a stop once you hear footsteps. You turned your gaze to the door, hoping, begging that whoever was walking the hallways this early was here to visit you. You wondered who it was like a child on Christmas, guessing their gift. The anticipation was the true thing that was killing you as you observed the silhouette outside the window of your door, not being able to see them fully. Them just standing there frustrated you. “Damn it, open the door,” you whispered, biting your bottom lip. Thankfully, the handle curved and the door opened to reveal a surprising visitor. “Aki! I honestly expected to see Himeno turn that corner,” you admitted. Your lips curled into a smile at the sight of him. You weren’t hoping he would visit you today, but damn, you were elated it was him visiting you today.

“Well it’s me. I brought you a gift,” he responded, closing the door and walking towards your bed. In his hand was a basket filled with colorful fruit with deep blue flowers. Consider yourself charmed. He places the basket on your lap gently, watching your reaction to make sure he wasn’t hurting you. He was instead blessed with the sight of you staring into his eyes so lovingly, so beautifully. “Aw, you remembered! Let me note that you have a better memory than Himeno,” you chuckled. You wrapped the basket in your arms, doting it. “Thank you, Aki,” you say. You pull back and admire the basket. “I really appreciate it.”

He sits at the edge of your bed, rubbing his face in the hopes of erasing the blush overwhelming him. “There’s something I need to talk to you about (Y/N),” he states, clearing his throat. You move your gaze from his loving gift and to his face. You observed his face before responding. He had a fading blush, and his eyes avoided making contact with yours. The rain hitting the concrete outside held the silence. You shrug. “Kay. So what? Ready to confess your feelings for me?” Aki groans. You’ve always known about Aki’s interest in you, though the discovery wasn’t anything special. As Aki didn’t try to hide it, he didn’t want you not to know. What he did not want was you feeling pressured about his feelings for you, so he avoided the topic. You grinned, but deep down you had a feeling this talk isn’t anything sweet like a confession. Aki sits on the edge of the hospital bed, not yet making eye contact with you.

“No.” he denied bluntly. “I’m worried about you,” he repeated from yesterday. He brought his gaze to you, finding your gaze on him already. A staring contest was held before you replied. “You said this, and I appreciate the care, Aki.” You pluck off a grape from the basket and flip it into your mouth. “What? You’re going to tell me to quit? Move to another division? What could it be?” You taunted, getting annoyed. You had enough lectures from your family about your work and pursuing another safer career then to hear another one from Aki. He really was starting to sound like a nagging mom. Your playful tone tells him to back off. Though, Aki is determined. He’s determined to tell you just how he feels. His gaze was on your face and he searched it like it was a map. Your face has bandages and faded scars resided on it, your eyes had so much life. So much life.

You glared back at his face when you noticed Aki’s eyes. Your mind gets distracted from the annoyance you feel, from how beautiful his eyes were, how soft and caring they looked. And the craziest thing is, that he’s looking this way at you. “Are you okay?” He asks you after staring at your eyes. His question confused you. You shrugged. “I’m still alive aren’t I?” Aki’s eyes never left yours, and not being one to back down, yours never left his. He sighs. “Are you trying to die? Is what I’m asking,” he surmised. You didn’t know what to say in response, hell, what do you say? No? Did he even want you to respond, did you even know? He notices your shift, and continues, grabbing your rough hand. When his hand touches yours, you feel a thousand things flutur. But one thing you felt…was the rain on his hand. Which makes you curl your hand in his. “This has gone on for a long time (Y/N),” he stated, he appreciates the feeling of your hand in his, and instinctively, he wants to protect it.

He squeezes your hand, you appreciate the warmth. Technically he wasn’t wrong. Every path you’ve faced in your life you’ve taken the risky option. It has just happened to always be the best choice for your goal. A goal that has blurred throughout the years, that has overlapped. You exhale as you look away from Aki’s concerned eyes. He places his other hand on top of your entangled ones, leaning closer to you. “Look at yourself. You fight as if you’re trying to die. I’m concerned you’re not well enough to make decisions that’ll affect your life,” he explained. You turned away, your cheerful demeanor from before disappearing. Your mouth was a slanted line, eyes no longer on the male you’re fond of. Who gave him the right to judge you when he’s always worrying you. He wants to die trying to kill the Gun Devil, well you’re willing to die for your goal too. However, you understand why he’d be worried. It’s nice, having someone worry for you.

You call out his name. Your eyes held a determined look, a noticeable shift in your bashful behavior from before. “I am determined to live,” you declare, eyes staring straight into his eyes. “Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not trying to get killed or die anytime soon. There’s one thing I want before I die, and I will achieve it. No matter the risk, I will take it with my head up.” Aki silently listened to you as you had listened to his concerns. “You worry me too. One day you’ll die in your quest for justice. My goal probably isn’t as noble as yours but…it’s very important to me and my grandfather.” You sighed, looking away from him. You actually hated being sappy. “I don’t know the reasons behind my actions. So I can’t give you an answer for that, but I can tell you that I have a purpose for being in this career.”

“But thank you anyway Aki,” you muttered, smiling to yourself. “Thank you for caring for me. That’s one thing I love about you compared to these other devil-hunters nowadays,” you say. With the mention of other devil hunters, your look at the get well soon gifts that crowded your hospital room. They didn’t really mean anything. None of them really knew you. But Aki and Himeno, they meant the world. There was an awkward silence for a minute before Aki finally did respond. “You’re welcome…” The silence followed soon after before you burst laughing, the room’s solemn mood from earlier fading away. “What an awkward response, Aki!” You continue laughing, squeezing Aki’s hands in a hug. He rolled his eyes. He didn’t know how to respond to your sincere words.“And how is that?” His question never got a response as you were too busy laughing before falling to your side. Aki never got a response, and you didn’t get a confession that day. And for the first time in that hospital room, the bright sun proclaimed its light through the window, and declared it a happy evening.

Thank you for reading.

© All rights reserved - @UNDERSCAR


Pairing:Aki Hayakawa/Female Reader

Summary:Midnight chatter happened mindlessly below your home. Open and shut lights from various effects flickered through your apartment’s grand window opening. A light fog encased the windows in a hug, a warning of the chill that couldn’t be raised to rest outside. A night of just you and your fiancé, Aki. The proposal was sudden and abrupt. Weeks ago when Aki abruptly proposed to you, he sang the loveliest things to your ears. You never expected Aki to be one for marriage, you had accepted that long ago in your relationship. His proposal was so sudden, it was as if something forced him to abruptly decide to spend the rest of his life with you and switch his opinion on marriage. Besides that, though you had your troubles, the love between you two was a sure thing. A reward was in place.

Keep reading

i miss him every single day
