#akko kagari

Another witch collage! Originality!

Another witch collage! Originality!

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A/N: I should be doing like… 10 tasks that are due by tuesday. Instead, I’m adding onto my stress and anxiety attack by writing this. Wee. Lookit me projecting stress onto Diana. Wee. …. *sighs* I like writing soft romance. Lemme have my own soft romance too pls. Fudge.


~Shintori Khazumi

A silent yet familiar click from the hallway caught Akko’s attention. Her hypersensitive ears tuned in on the succeeding sounds of the door swinging open, and banging shut. The footsteps she was used to hearing were a little heavier than they’d usually be, the floorboards creaking from the pressure.

Akko assumed the dull thud she just heard was Diana dropping her bookbag on the floor, that is, until she heard the tiny “ow” followed by whispered curses and a few groans.

Shutting the book she had picked up from one of Diana’s many shelves, she exited the bedroom to find her lover in an odd position on the floor, almost as if she were doing a ‘dogeza’, only that the top of her head was pressed to the floor, her nose pointing towards her legs.

Akko stared for a moment, unsure of what to make of this display. A few blinks passed, and she heard a sighed whimper that was enough to launch her protective senses into overdrive as she quickly slid next to Diana, sitting on the floor and transferring the poor girl’s head onto her lap.

Immediately, Diana turned to face her, shaky arms wrapped themselves around Akko’s thin waist, hugging tight as Diana pressed her face into Akko’s stomach. The latter could feel gentle kisses being placed through the fabric of her shirt, and her hands found their way into fluffy strands of messy hair.

Her fingers worked a gentle massage onto Diana’s scalp while Akko hummed a tune in hopes of getting her to calm down some more. “I love you.” She whispered in addition, hoping her feelings could help in any way.

Somehow, it seemed to have the opposite effect as Diana started to convulse, hiccups coming from her frame as Akko soon felt a warm wetness on her abdomen, followed by the tightening of her shirt as Diana crumpled it up in her fists.

“I’m so… stressed.”

Akko felt her throat constrict, wanting to cry as well. But no, she had to stay calm. For Diana’s sake. Leaning down, she pressed a kiss to her head, rubbing her palm gently down Diana’s side and back, allowing her to cry it all out.

However, her crying only seemed to make Diana more and more tense by the minute, and Akko was beginning to get worried. She didn’t want to panic, but she had no idea what to do either. She couldn’t hope to get up and leave to retrieve something like water or any other soothing warm drink. She had already done all the other things she’d usually do for Diana when she was in distress. She was running out of options.


Suddenly, it clicked.

Diana yelped as she was carefully, but swiftly pushed onto the floor, Akko pinning her hands down as she leaned into the crook of Diana’s neck. “It’ll be quick, love.”

A small squeak escaped Diana as Akko’s fangs punctured the soft, pale skin, lips covering the area as she sucked out fresh blood bit by bit, controlling her thirst to take more than was necessary in that moment.

Diana’s frustrated huffs soon turned into soft sighs as her tears ceased, the last few rolling down her cheeks and onto the wooden floor. Her hands that had been gripping Akko’s shirt tight were now gently resting on her back as she pulled the shorter girl closer.

Akko delivered one final lick to the area she had bitten, placing a kiss for good measure as she rested her weight atop Diana.

“Better?” She asked quietly.

Diana nodded, hugging even tighter.

“Wanna talk about it?”

Akko felt Diana shake her head no, pressing a kiss to Akko’s temple instead in a silent 'thank you’.


They stayed that way for a moment longer until the sun disappeared into the evening sky, and the only lights in the living room was from the open window facing the rest of the city.

Akko almost thought Diana had fallen asleep from how peaceful she was at the moment, however that was disproved as Diana asked her a question out of the blue.

“Why did you do that?” She questioned, referring to Akko’s earlier actions of taking her blood without much warning.

“Ah…” Akko thought of what to say, peppering kisses along Diana’s collarbone as she pondered. “I saw it in one of your fancy books. 'Bloodletting’, was it? To like… help with high blood pressure or something.”

Diana blinked.

“What?” She pushed Akko up slightly to give her an incredulous look. “Are you for real?”

Akko simply shrugged.

“I can’t believe you!” Diana chuckled, still unable to wrap her head around that fairly logical approach of Akko’s. “And how could you even say I was experiencing hypertension?”

“…Magic Vampire senses?” Akko tried. Diana looked at her amused. “Hey, I dunno! I just… I just know, okay? It’s a feeling!”

“Yes, yes.” Diana laughed, waving her girlfriend off, leaning up to place a chaste peck on her lips.

Akko grumbled through a blush as she knew there was no winning against Diana.

“Thank you.” She murmured.

“I love you.” Akko replied, getting a pinch on the nose, and another laughing kiss on the lips.

“I love you more.”

A/N: Lemme tell you, I did very minimal research on if this is still applicable in this day and age. I think bloodletting/phlebotomy to relieve hypertension is making a comeback? Idk haha. I just remembered one of my lessons in phleb, Lol. Don’t mind me. Anyway. Bye.

~Shintori Khazumi

tracedinairlwa: A collab with the incredibly talented @vhalesa for @diakkoday!A fic in which Diana d


A collab with the incredibly talented @vhalesafor@diakkoday!

A fic in which Diana decides to flirt with Akko like a Victorian lesbian, so Akko responds with the only form of romance trope she knows how: yuri manga nonsense.

Enjoy over at AO3!

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hanasaku-shijin: [[Chapter 6 of Anniversary Adventure is now up! Art by @vhalesa!!]]——-Chapter 1. Th


[[Chapter 6 of Anniversary Adventure is now up! Art by @vhalesa!!]]


Chapter 1. The Proverb
Chapter 2. The Tower
Chapter 3. Familiar Faces
Chapter 4. The Wolf
Chapter 5. The Iron Maiden
Chapter 6. Decisions

The echoes of their unanimous cry reverberate around the dungeon for a few seconds as both witches look back to the little lizard in front of them. It scuttles across a small area, only within the range of the light of their wands, as if it’s too confused by the light to make it back into the cover of darkness.

Diana holds her wand up a bit higher to get a better look at the dragon. There’s no doubt in her mind that it’s exactly the same as the one from last year when it had first been released from its seal.

“But how…?”

“Diana!” Akko says, shaking her arm. “Do you think that dragon from last time had eggs? What if there are more babies crawling around here?!”

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hanasaku-shijin: [[Chapter 5 of Anniversary Adventure is now up! Art by @vhalesa​!!]]——-Chapter 1. T


[[Chapter 5 of Anniversary Adventure is now up! Art by @vhalesa​!!]]


Chapter 1. The Proverb
Chapter 2. The Tower
Chapter 3. Familiar Faces
Chapter 4. The Wolf
Chapter 5. The Iron Maiden

A cold and musty stairway leads the two witches deeper down, and though they cautiously slow their pace, the wind continues pushing them.

Diana even believes it’s gotten a bit stronger, as if they are nearing the root of this unbalance and the wind is encouraging them to hurry. She places herself at the lead, keeping her eyes focused forward while Akko frantically looks above and behind them to ensure nothing is going to jump out.

“How much longer are we gonna have to do this?!” she whisper-screams. “This has to be the end, right?”

“I would hope so.”

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hanasaku-shijin: hanasaku-shijin:[[Chapter 4 of Anniversary Adventure is now up! Art by @vhalesa!!]]



[[Chapter 4 of Anniversary Adventure is now up! Art by @vhalesa!!]]


Chapter 1. The Proverb
Chapter 2. The Tower
Chapter 3. Familiar Faces
Chapter 4. The Wolf

The further in they get, the more unavoidable it becomes that they have to use magic.

After following the wind down many paths and through dozens of twisting, circling mazes, more monsters take note of the witches in spite of their caution. Most are quite easy to handle, considering there are two of the witches, so they may look out for one another. And besides, both are a bit more skilled than they had been this time last year.

Akko and Diana defeat several more monsters; a chimera, a plant creature, a few club-happy orcs. The witches follow Diana’s tactics to fight when they have to, and then escape as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

The most difficult opponents by far, however, are a hoard of zombie skeletons that sense their magic and surround them, cutting off all of their escape routes and giving them no choice but to fight head-on. That battle takes some time and energy from them, and by the time the last of the bones has clattered to the ground, both girls are panting from the effort.

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Bonus doodle:

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Happy Birthday @tanuki-pyon

As you requested ‘Just draw them holding hands or sth’

hanasaku-shijin:hanasaku-shijin:[[Chapter 3 of Anniversary Adventure is now up! Art by @vhalesa!!]]—



[[Chapter 3 of Anniversary Adventure is now up! Art by @vhalesa!!]]


Chapter 1. The Proverb
Chapter 2. The Tower
Chapter 3. Familiar Faces

Unlike the main staircase that leads upward through the height of the Tower, the dungeon staircase splits off like tree roots in several different downward winding paths, further adding to the labyrinth.

Repairs had been made since the incident last year, and most of the Tower had been fixed where the dragon had burst through and damaged several dozen levels. However, there were still signs of the chaos, like piles of old rubble and a few remaining cracks in the walls or floors here and there.

Being arguably the more cautious and attentive of the two, Diana leads the way out across the platform where the various staircases branch from. Both she and Akko stand still for a moment, feeling for the wind. By only sharing a glance, they can tell they’re both being pulled in the same direction. So they choose the corresponding staircase and begin to ascend.

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And a bonus 

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hanasaku-shijin: [[Here we go! Chapter 2 of “Anniversary Adventure,” my collab with @vhalesa is now hanasaku-shijin: [[Here we go! Chapter 2 of “Anniversary Adventure,” my collab with @vhalesa is now


[[Here we go! Chapter 2 of “Anniversary Adventure,” my collab with @vhalesa is now up!]]


Chapter 2. The Tower

Together, the two witches quietly exit the main hallway and head for the nearest exit. Once they are outside, Akko opens up her arms and lets out her voice.

“Ahhh~! It’s such a nice night! Perfect for a walk!”

“Might I remind you that you are technically breaking curfew at the moment?” Diana sighs again. “Please have a bit more shame, Akko.”

“But it’s so nice~!”

Diana sighs again, but this time with a smile.

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hanasaku-shijin: [[Surprise! I have returned to the LWA scene with a new story, collaborating with @


[[Surprise! I have returned to the LWA scene with a new story, collaborating with @vhalesa!  They drew amazing artwork for every chapter, so please look forward to it!]]

Anniversary Adventure

Summary: One year after the dragon was released from its seal, Diana fears a prophecy may come to light. When Akko finds out as well, the two witches are thrown into a potentially-dangerous midnight adventure to find answers.


Chapter 1. The Proverb

As the sun sets over Luna Nova that evening, Akko is still bursting with energy.

Due to Sucy having stayed up the night before mixing potions, Lotte having stayed up reading blog posts about Nightfall, and Akko having forgotten to set her alarm, all three witches had slept in this morning and missed half the day of classes.

Of course since it had been this particular trio of witches who had been absent, the professors had immediately become concerned they’d snuck off to do something potentially dangerous and had preemptively sent Chariot to check on them. She’d been relieved to find all three girls still snoring in their beds, and after a brief chiding had ushered them to hurry to classes.

All in all, it had been a bit of a hectic day for the three of them. After supper, they’d needed to return to Chariot’s lecture hall for detention.

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