

Don’t let his occupation fool you. Alabastar is the nicest death-for-hire and critic you’ll ever meet! :) (Also a little bit of a softie…)

I wanted to put Alabastar in a suit and I made the pants movie themed (sorta like a reel)! He would probably wear this to an opening show of a new movie. He likes to dress up a bit for those events. It’s basically a work outfit anyway because he goes to the movie theatre to critique whatever he sees.

More info about Alabastar here ^v^

Having the unique job that he does, Alabastar attracts some strange people to his work. I title this piece ‘A Summary of Alabastar’s Pursuers’, as a sort of visualisation of their aim to stop him or question him. Below the line is an explanation from left to right of each of these characters - Strata45, Roman Morosen, and Bailey :)

Strata45is an agent of ExpireAegis and she oversees Alabastar’s work sending him messages and reminders about things in a very pestering manner. She’s very evil-natured and has the ability to take over Alabastar’s mind for a short while if he goes to do something to impact his job (E.G. trying to die or telling the authorities about the ExpireAegis agency.)

Roman Morosenhas been hired to track down Alabastar, because he’s a supernatural interference with death, and a wanted murderer according to the authorities. The only way Roman can figure out how to track him down is to sign up to Alabastar’s death app to lure him in. Of course, Roman can’t die, he revives the next day, so dying my Alabastar is of no risk to him. These two have a constant rivalry, where they’re both trying to do their job but can’t complete it because of an endless cycle. (His reference is also here)

Baileyis a radio show host who interviews people who have died and are currently in the afterlife. He notices people calling in about being killed by this 'Enigma’ guy and he becomes interested in this mysterious being. He makes it his goal to search out Alabastar and interview him. He stalks his every move and pesters him for information. Usually, Alabastar is fine with talking to anyone and being their friend, but he’s been told by the agency to avoid Bailey at all costs. He likes dressing as a bee and his radio station is called 'Beefore the News’ cause it always plays before the news.


If you are unsure of Alabastar’s story you can read it here. This is of course all part of my story 'When Mourning Comes’ (readable here)

Thanks for reading and comments are always appreciated
