#alan peterson


Alphabetical Reasons to Love Lewis, day 16, or the Many Foils of Robbie Lewis, part 3.

Only one of Robbie Lewis’ foils was irritating enough to be a recurring character:  DI Alan Peterson!  Peterson is a pragmatic detective who likes to approach a situation with the armed response team.  He’s the kind of guy to leap out of his seat as the force of law and order when one of those Oxford lectures gets tense.

After an initial encounter with Peterson, Hathaway asks about Lewis in his younger days.  “Did it ever appeal to you, the actionny side of things- running and fighting and such?”  Lewis was never too excited by all that.  “I ran a bit as a young copper, shouted ‘oy you,’ sometimes quite loudly.”  Lewis takes a more measured approach and ends up saving Peterson’s mission.  

Lewis may have caught the bad guy, but it seems for a while that Peterson might get the girl.  “What does she see in Action Man anyway?” Hathaway asks Lewis when they learn that Hobson was at that rowdy lecture with Peterson.  Peterson is known for interrupting Robbie and Laura’s moments together, oblivious to the fact that Robbie is seething with jealousy.  At long last, Laura puts Robbie out of his misery by explaining that although Peterson wants to take her out to dinner, it will never happen because he isn’t her type.  It is a not-so-subtle hint that Laura’s type is the dependable, easygoing sort, preferably with a Geordie accent.  
