


remains on Dragonspine as he knew that his time of control would soon be up, looks down at Mondstadt as small tears escape from his eyes as he then looked at his right hand that shook a little.

Bright teal eyes stare at it for a few before he lowered it back down , making his trek to his workshop as the wind howled.

He had to stay here.

This is where he belongs.

A true monster.



Likewise, Mr Albedo.” The ‘human’ sinner settled down in his cot, falling asleep to the warmth of the campfire… For once, the nightmares of his past alive life didn’t come to haunt him.


It was a warm long night, but it was one Don himself internally enjoyed with his new ally of this new living world… After being alone for a period of time in the undead apocalypse in his living world… It was nice to sleep among safe company for once.

Albedo slept well for the first time in a long time since his creation, the dreams he had was of his master and one he wishes to reunite with in the future to tell her all that he has found in the world of Teyvat as dawn soon approaches.


Sunlight breaking through the workshop, lighting it up in a soft warm go as daybreak was here.

Don slowly woke up as the workshop was lit in sunlight, covering his mouth to yawn before pulling off the blanket on him and carefully moved his legs to the side of his cot, stretching out his arms and legs, twisting in place to release the tension in his spine.

… Ah, good morning, Mr Albedo… How was your sleep?” He inquired after stretching out his limbs and back, grabbing his boots to pull them on.
