

a leap of faith.  


… ( ) …

he likes me! he likes me! choi soobin likes me! 

“really?” she asks him to make sure this is all real. to make sure that this all wasn’t a dream. “like… you reallylike me?” she asks again. “choi soobin, if you’re playing a joke on me, i’m going to be so mad at you!” she lets out a little laugh at what she says, still in disbeliefof what just happened. if this was a dream, which she’s partially convinced that it is, she just has to make it even better. “yes! yes, you can kiss me.”

it’s a known fact that soobin isn’t particularly romantic –– actually, he isn’t particularly anything other than disinterested in most things. but he thinks that this is perhaps the first time in a while that he feels a rush of emotions. the words felt different when they’d left her lips, like they had enough power to have him floating through the clouds ( and he’s well aware of how cliche that sounds, but it’s how he feels ). 

“i do,” he says, reassuring her, and he can find himself smiling. he’s not sure how wide, or if his smile would ever be as beautiful as hers, but it plays on his lips as he gently pushes a strand of hair behind her ears. when he’d watch dramas or movies, he’d always scrunch his face in annoyance whenever he’d see the main leads doing this –– yet now he understood why they did.

his smile only grows when she says yes and he leans down, lips gently touching hers. it’s a weird feeling, like some sort of static electricity is rushing through him. her lips are soft, but more than that, it’s the fact that it’s her, that it’s kang mina. he likes her. he really really likes her and if he could, he’d like to live in this moment where his emotions hung high in happiness. 

when he pulls away, he stares at her for a moment. he’d always thought she was pretty, of course he knew that, but this felt different, the air between them had shifted to something he was sure he wouldn’t regret. he pulls her close and wraps his arms around her, resting his chin atop her head as he engulfs her in a hug. “ah,” he says, holding her in his embrace, “i don’t want to let go of this moment,” he smiles.

a leap of faith


… ( ) …

“but the more we hung out, the more i felt comfortable around you,” she continues, slowly regaining confidence as she speaks more. as she’s talking, she finds herself thinking back to the little moments they shared together. she tries her best to keep on going, refusing to let her mind play tricks on her. “and you were always so nice to me. especially since you never really listened to what other people said about me because you’re my friend.” she pauses to gather her thoughts together, still trying to find the right words to say to let him knowwhat’s on her mind. 

“but…” she sighs before she is able to look at the boy in front of her in the eyes. “i likeyou, choi soobin. like… in morethan a friend way.” the fact that she actuallysaid it makes her shocked that she was even able to get it out of her mouth. and with that, she knows that no matter how he’ll react, she’ll at least have something to be proud of in the end. “and you don’t have to like me back. there’s probably a lot of girls who are waycooler and prettier than me.” she laughs to joke around, even if her comment doeshurt her a little. “i just wanted you to tell you because… you deserve to know.” and she’s gladthat she’s finally letting him know. 

his feet are glued in place, and there’s this feeling in his chest that he can’t ignore. the more she speaks, the more he hopes that it’ll lead to what he thinks it might –– something he’s dreamt about before ( not that he’d ever admit that aloud ). usually soobin would interject her with a bad joke, one to lighten the atmosphere, yet something tells him that he shouldn’t. not now. and he doesn’t. he wants to hear more, prays that it’s good.

i like you.

his eyes widen, and he can only stare at her, lips parting as he finds the right words to say. it’s not a line that he’s unfamiliar with, and if he’s being honest he’s heard it a few times in school from a couple of girls, yet those three words have never had so much effect on him up till he’d heard it from mina. she likes him. kang mina likes him.

there’s the sound of a dog barking in the distance, but soobin doesn’t catch that, the only thing he hears is the sound of his heartbeat, and he wonders if mina can catch on to that too. the wind blows softly and his eyes don’t once leave hers. as her words begin to settle in, he feels his cheeks begin to heat up, and quickly he covers his mouth, turning his gaze away. 

he’s never one to be flustered like this, but his emotions overwhelm him. soobin –– the guy who’d walked around as the epitome of the blank faced emoji, found himself unable to keep himself steady. “wait no –– don’t get the wrong idea,” he says, hand still over his face, “i - i’m acting this way because i’m happy.”

“you like me…?” he says, slowly moving his hands away from his face as he turns back to look at mina. again, he takes a good look at her. she’s pretty, always has been. soobin had once been unable to understand his own heart, yet somewhere along the way, he’d realized that these feelings of his were that of affection, affection that was far more than what one should feel for a friend.

taking in a deep breath, he finally collects himself. he takes a step forward, and his hands slowly find their way to her face. “can i… kiss you?” he asks, voice soft. “ah, wait,” he shakes his head, “the order of this is all wrong,” well this is embarrassing. classic soobin. “i mean, that i –– that i like you too. even if you make fun of my basketball skills, or my tik toks, or me, i still really like you. i think it makes me like you even more. and, kang mina, you’re the coolest andprettiestgirl i know. what i’m trying to say is that i… really really like you.”

a leap of faith


… ( ) …

so that’s what she decides to use as a reason. 

“right,” she responds with a nod, her smile falls as she speaks. here goes nothing. “i actually have… something important to tell you.” she’s not sure if it’s evident on her face that she’s nervous right now. this was definitelynot something she does usually, so she’s not going to blame herself too much if she sounds awkward. “it’s not bad, i think.” i hope. it’s obviously depending on how he feels about her. “but, i wanted to let you know. and why not tell you here? since… it’s somewhere special.” and she smiles as she realizes how sillyit sounds, but it helps make it easier for her. 

she doesn’t exactly respond to his bad joke, with another one of her own, which has him raising his brow. it’s odd. the air around them suddenly feels different and soobin’s not too sure how to put it –– how to exactly describe it. what could it be? to have her suddenly ask to meet him, and to have her want to talk to him about.

oh god, he thinks. did she know? did she know about his crush? god. that was embarrassing. she knew, didn’t she? he blinks, wants to say something, but he doesn’t. because he could be wrong, and she probably didn’t know about that ( because soobin himself hadn’t known about it until recently ).  what else could it be?

“ah, alright,” he says, as he takes a step towards her. “is everything alright?” he asks. it must be something serious then. if it’s enough to have her call out to him, it probably is. but he can’t exactly figure out what it is, or what it could be. his hands feel a little sweaty, and he’s not even too sure why. but still, he takes note of the difference in atmosphere, and momentarily, just for a moment, he thinks that maybe something between the both of them has shifted and he lets himself indulge in it ( for that moment alone ). but he doesn’t want to have his hopes up; she could be here for anything. “i’m all ears.”

a leap of faith


… ( ) …

“soobin!” she calls out to him before walking over to him excitedly, not even noticing the smile on her face forming just from the fact that she was seeing him. “sorry i’m a littlelate. i hope you weren’t missing me too much like you were missing baskets.” 

at her text message, he quickly pulls out his deodorant, glad that he’d listened to some of his sister’s advice and carried it around with him. it’s not like soobin smells, but if it’s between sweat and smelling like fresh cinnamon in front of the girl he likes, he’d definitely choose smelling fresh.



did soobin like mina?

that thought alone has him furrowing his brows. after spraying himself with deodorant he grabs at the ball and immediately attempts at shooting hoops. he misses a few, but he’ll probably keep that to himself. it’s then when he hears a voice calling out to him. familiar and warm, and he feels it –– the little jump in his chest. the dugeun dugeuns according to his sister. whatever. what did she know? she’s 12. 

turning around he sees mina, and it’s natural when a smile forms on his face. he forgets about the ball, now a few feet away from him, as he walks closer to her. “hi,” he says, and his smile only grows wider. she’s so pretty, he thinks. and it’s something he’s always known, but it feels different now. now that he’s acknowledged that her face is enough to give him butterflies, or moths or whatever in his stomach.

“i’ll have you know that i didn’t miss any shots,” a lie. but he didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of her. “aren’t you the one that misses me? we just met the other day and you already want to see me again,” he teases. though he doesn’t deny the fact that he does miss her, and he does want to see her more often. “what did you want to meet for?” he asks, “and why… here? did you want to learn basketball from the one and only professional, choi soobin, or something?”

a leap of faith


… ( ) …

[ ✉︎ to garubin ⚔️ ]

✉ : hey can you meet at the basketball court?? the one u failed to get a basket in lol

✉ : i have smth important to tell u!!

with her thumb hovering over the text box, she decides to lock her screen and put her phone back. no.she’s already seton her decision and if she backed out now, she wouldn’t forgive herself for not doing it sooner. she takes a deep breath as she tries to calm herself down, her nerves being on overdrive over the fact that she was actuallygoing to do this. the worst that can happen is him saying he doesn’t have feelings. and she tries her bestto convince herself that so she doesn’t get disappointed or hurt

after his last encounter with mina, there’d been many things that had been floating in his mind. thoughts that he’d usually more or less never have. and he’s not too sure what to do with it. thinking about feelings is hard, and soobin hates hard things –– hates even more if he has to think. he’s never been the kind of guy to do that (think, that is). 

it’s even tougher when he wants to constantly call her, or talk to her, but he’s aware that his intentions are more than that of a friend. so, he has no idea what to do. it’s left him making shots in the basketball court (and missing them), before he decides to take a break and scroll through the photos he’d taken of her. it’s at that moment, whilst he’s scrolling through his photo album does his phone vibrate and the name “pucca ” lights up at the top of his screen. oh god, was he psychic? no –– was shepsychic? did she have some sort of soobin sense? did she know that he was thinking about her? 

he slaps his cheek and proceeds to read the message.

[ message to: pucca ] 
✉ : i didnt fail… i missed the shot on purpose
✉ : dramatic effect!!!
✉ : are you psychic??? im already here lol
✉ : successfully making shots

he sets his phone aside and fiddles with the ball as he dribbles it lightly. what was she going to say? what was to be said? he doesn’t think he’s nervous, that’s not what he feels. but there’s a fluttering that he can’t ignore. “ah, right,” he says aloud, patting his stomach. he hadn’t eaten in a few hours. he must be hungry. 
