#alecz1103 cc

alecz1103-cc: TRAVIS SCOTT | townie makeoverhello! i’m doing something new because why not? here is alecz1103-cc: TRAVIS SCOTT | townie makeoverhello! i’m doing something new because why not? here is


TRAVIS SCOTT | townie makeover

hello! i’m doing something new because why not? here is my first townie makeover and i promise there will be more coming soon. i also made travis available on the gallery. so feel free to download him. my origin id: alecz1103.

his everyday outfit is all cc, but the other outfits come from the game. you can get all the cc links by clicking here. it’s in the video descriptionand make sure to subscribe to my channel.

Don’t forget to check out my simstagramandYoutube channel to see more of my sims.


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