#alex rider tv



just finished watching alex rider season 2 and i can’t stop thinking about alex saying to yassen ‘you work for cray now? do what he tells you? like a dog.’ and the parallels between that line and these two lines from russian roulette… wow ok



so many potential outcomes for yassen in s3 but at least scurvy isn’t one of them. an orange a day keeps special operations away!


there is just something so hilarious to me to see yassen perfectly positioned between cray and sabina during that video call to alex. professional assassin, used to working in the shadows, needs to be in the frame. for the drama. 


One thing I really do love in the Alex Rider TV adaption, both in season 1 and now in season 2 is the constant subtle hints that Alex is actually not your usual kid, despite still being very early in his character arc.

And I’m not talking about the flashy parkour sequences or fight scenes. I mean the offhand comment that Alex knows about the law, or is extremely involved in multiple outdoor activities. His character is shown to have an intelligence and ambition above his peers, be proficient with a gun and competent in tasks that while as simple as pitching a tent, highlight he’s already a class above his own and most likely has extensive knowledge on other useful topics too.

While it’s nice to see him show off a little in the bigger scenes and get a glimpse of the spy extraordinaire to come, it’s also brilliant to see the impact of Alex’s upbringing with Ian included frequently in seemingly mundane scenes and is something I’ve enjoyed picking up on.
