#alfie solomons preference


Request: Hello! I’d like to request preferences for the oldest three Shelby brothers and maybe Alfie for how’d they do trying to feed their young child(ren) (like 1 or 2 yrs old) when their S/O is away for the first time and the kid just isn’t having it and tries to make a mess❤️

Requested by Anonymous

Characters: Alfie Solomons, Arthur Shelby, John Shelby, & Thomas Shelby


A/n: I loved this! Idk what else to say, but I loved it and it was super easy to write. And now I have baby fever, which honestly I always do, but that doesn’t matter.  I just thought this was super cute and I hope you guys do too.


Alfie Solomons: Alfie was a very hands on parent and would help you feed the kids. So he never had any issue when it came to watching them alone. It would get a little messy, yes, but that was also because Cyril wanted a taste of what they were having and would always try to get in the way. If the kids were fussy over their food and refused to eat, Alfie would usually taste, he’s that guy, and agree that it was horrible. Young children had taste buds too! And he would make them something else, praying that they would like it more. 

Arthur Shelby: Arthur wouldn’t know what to do. You were usually the one to feed the small toddler that was wailing in his arms. He’d watch you do it plenty of times, but obviously Arthur couldn’t replicate that. He’d do his best though. He’d be very gentle and nearly cry if he couldn’t get the baby to stop fussing over it. But eventually he would win and the baby would actually eat the food, finally realizing that Arthur was the only one who was there to feed them. Arthur was very relieved when you came home, telling you all about how picky toddlers can be. 

John Shelby: John would be clueless. Yes, he has tons of kids, but you can’t tell me he ever takes proper care of them. Anyway, he would be clueless and worried the whole time. He wasn’t sure what was baby food and what was adult food in the fridge, but he’d paw through everything. The older children would try and help but they didn’t know either. John eventually found what looked like mashed peas and tried to feed it to the little babe. That didn’t go over well. He’d handed the child the spoon, thinking it was old enough to use it, but instead mashed peas just got flung all over the place. John then took the spoon back, but not before the whole kitchen was covered in little green splotches.

Thomas Shelby: Tommy wasn’t too worried about having to take care of the children alone, they were his kids after all, but he was terrified of being left alone with them. He was always worried about doing the wrong thing and usually the led to over thinking. And that’s what happened when it came time to feed them lunch. You had told him what to feed them, but he honestly couldn’t remember a word of what you’d said. So he had to go through all the food in the kitchen to find what he thought would be suitable. The ended up with leftover potato soup and mashed sweet potatoes. They seemed to enjoy it as he watched them with hawk eyes and thought it wouldn’t be too hard to have to feed them dinner.


Let me know if you would like to be added to any of the tag lists (please be specific on which ones) and feedback is always appreciated.


Peaky Blinders:@thendlessdays@simonsbluee@elia-the-bibliophile@astheworlddturns@saltchloe2017@annabelrose5@jenepleurepasbaby@elisabethisdead@soleil-dor@maryams-things@writerdream22@brandydel@annshit@shadow-of-wonder@amirahiddleston​ @beth-winchester21@jellybeanpie@secret-ssociety@justsimplyme93@whiskeypowder@lilymurphy03@peakascum@haileyybird@theflamecrystal@justalonelyslytherin@walkernigh@babaohhhriley

Alfie Solomons:@multifandomfix

Arthur Shelby:@albeeox@multifandomfix

Thomas Shelby:@captivatedbycillianmurphy@creativemayhems@magnificentzombiebasement@terrainhead@everyartistwas-firstanamateur@spurra@savannah-elliott@kathryn-jane@annshit​ @hanster1998@irishbish@lettersofwrittencollective@albeeox@justsimplyme93@snugleo@in-some-fandoms@multifandomfix@irelanddesires@retromafia@lilymurphy03@infinitelycharmed23@honeyofthegods@itscheybaby@angelusk@janelongxox@would-die-for-bucky-barnes@slytherinicequeen@elenavampire21@nikkixostan​ @buckyswillows @lizyshores
