


A random thought, but I always kind of imagined Aglaia having freckles. Not like a few sprinkled on her face but everywhere, completely hard to miss. She may have even been teased when she was a girl, envied the other goddesses for their freckle-free faces and wished she could get rid of them. 

She mentions her insecurities to Hephaestus, but instead of agreeing with her or putting himself down to make her feel better, he looks at her and with complete sincerity says, “Never wish your freckles away, for you have been blessed. Don’t you see? Your skin has been etched with flecks of gold, making you all the more precious.”

No one ever said such things to her, and she feels her heart flutter at his words, and it beats harder as the back of his hand brushes against her cheek. She isn’t quite sure what is happening, but afterwards, she can’t see him the same way again, and unknowingly, she starts to fall in love with him.
