#alice iin wonderland

March 2022 Patreon ScheduleThis month it’s back to the Twisted Fairy Tale theme. Sun and Moon Patron

March 2022 Patreon Schedule

This month it’s back to the Twisted Fairy Tale theme. Sun and Moon Patrons will be voting to either continue with February’s Twisted Little Red Riding Hood theme, pick one of my previous Twisted Fairy Tales to explore further with new art and designs, or pick a whole new fairy tale and make it “Twisted”

If the vote goes toward exploring one of my previous Twisted Fairy Tales below is a list of them….

Little Mermaid + Evil + Day of  the Dead = Twisted Little Mermaid

Beauty Beast + Modern + Chinese New Year = Twisted Beauty and the Beast

Peter Pan + Space Odessy = Twisted Peter Pan

Cinderella + Evil + Halloween + Vampire = Twisted Cinderella

Little Red Riding Hood + Day of the Dead = Twisted Little Red Riding Hood

Hansel and Gretel + Candy = Twisted Hansel and Gretel

Alice in Wonderland + Space = Twisted Alice in Wonderland

Snow White + Wood Carving = Twisted Snow White

Goldilocks and the Three Bears + Monster/Demons + Gods + Monster Hunting = Twisted Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Rapunzel + Alien + Psychedelic Art (1970s Style) = Twisted Rapunzel

The Three Billy Goats Gruff + Centaur + European Porcelain = Twisted The Three Billy Goats Gruff

The Frog Prince + Witch + Skulls + Sexy/Spicy = Twisted Frog Prince

Little Red Riding Hood + Demon + Halloween Candy/Treats + Cute + Fangs = Twisted Little Red Riding Hood

Sleeping Beauty + Egyptian Gods + Dark (Evil) = Twisted Sleeping Beauty

The Snow Queen + Toy Land + Dark Evil = Twisted Snow Queen

To add your vote and see behind the scene process work and/or get this month’s Patreon rewards join my Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/jmadorran

*the art at the bottom is closeups of some of the art created during my February 2022 Patreon Term*

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