#alice michaels


made some medieval AU tbs stuff

(Summary IDs below, longer and more detailed IDs under the cut)

[First ID: a digital, colored drawing depicting Caleb Michaels giving Alice Michaels a piggy-back ride as he walks through a forest. Both are brown skinned, with dark curly hair, wearing mid-1300s clothing and looking at each other while Alice is talking. Behind them are bushes and tree trunks on a light grey background. End ID]

[Second ID: Digital drawing of Mark Bryant in two outfits. In both images, he is a 25-year-old East Asian man with pale skin, dark brown eyes, and chin-length black hair, with a neutral expression. He is wearing mid-1300s clothing in both drawings, and his brown stockings and shoes do not change. The left one, labeled “Prince Mark,” shows mark in a crown and red tunic and cape. The right one, labeled “Forest Mark,” shows him in a longer light pink tunic and a desaturated green cloak. The background is a flat grey. End ID]

[Third ID: a digitial, colored landscape of forested hills, a European castle in the background. It is foggy, and birds fly in the distance. End ID]

[First ID: a digital, colored drawing depicting Caleb Michaels giving Alice Michaels a piggy-back ride as he walks through a forest. Alice is a ten-year-old, brown-skinned girl with brown eyes and dark brown hair that’s pulled back into a loose milk-maid braid. She’s wearing mid-1300s clothing: a white shift, dark green long-stockings underneath the shorts, a dark green hooded cloak, and brown shoes. She’s looking at Caleb with her mouth open mid-sentence. Caleb is a fourteen-year-old, brown-skinned boy with green eyes. He’s wearing mid-1300s clothing: a dark blue cap, a green tunic with yellow accents over a white shirt, with a brown belt around his middle; and brown stockings with leather soles. He’s looking at Alice, with a slight frown. end ID]

[Second ID: Digital drawing of Mark Bryant in two outfits. In both images, he is a 25-year-old East Asian man with pale skin, dark brown eyes, and chin-length black hair, with a neutral expression. He is wearing mid-1300s clothing in both drawings. On the left, he has writing next to him that says “Prince Mark.” He has a golden crown with red jewels embedded in it. He has a golden collar and a dark red cape that’s lined with gold. His tunic is a brighter red with a white patch on the top right. The patch has a family crest of a red and gold bird. The tunic has a gold belt with flowers embroidered on it. His stockings are grey, and he is wearing brown leather shoes. He also wears a gold signet ring with a red gem.

The right drawing of Mark has “Forest Mark” written to the left of him. He has the same neutral expression. This time he’s in more practical clothes. His tunic is a dull pink color and the collar peeks out from beneath the cape. His cape is now a dark green and the inside is white. The tunic is much longer, falling to his lower calves. The tunic has a leather belt tying it closer to his waist. The stockings are the same grey, with the same brown leather shoes. He still wears the same signet ring. End ID]

[Third ID: a digital, colored landscape drawing, depicting a castle in the middle of the woods. In the foreground are pine trees that wrap around the hill the castle sits on in the background. In the top left corner, in the middle ground is a castle of grey stone with red tops and red flags, sitting on the side of a mountain. The sky is overcast and grey and birds fly overhead. End ID]
