#alien pregnancy

 Call & Ripley (Alien) Commission! Loved doing this one Find hundreds of more pics on my P★treon

Call & Ripley (Alien) Commission! Loved doing this one

Find hundreds of more pics on my P★treon!
Commission/Livestream Info here.

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 Lambert from Alien commission!Find hundreds of more pics on my P★treon!Commission/Livestream Info h

Lambert from Alien commission!

Find hundreds of more pics on my P★treon!
Commission/Livestream Info here.

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bedbellyandbeyond: About Jeffrey and Wano (Story Post) When Jeffrey got back to Wano’s room, he foun


About Jeffrey and Wano

(Story Post)

When Jeffrey got back to Wano’s room, he found his boyfriend entertaining Ben with a train toy on a string. The tall alien dragged the train behind him and Ben toddled after it. Ben wasn’t usually this active in Jeffrey’s care, so it was nice to see that he was having fun.
When Wano noticed Jeffrey come in, he grinned and went over to kiss his partner. “You are back. What did Fay want to talk at you?”
“He just asked some questions and stuff…” Jeffrey tried to brush off. “It was boring. I thought we’d talk about fairies.”
“Oh. That is too bad,” Wano sympathised. “But then, how was the doctor? You seemed unhappy after the meeting.”
Jeffrey shrugged. “We just talked about how you make babies way too big.”
Wano huffed with pride. “That is good to hear. I am sadly shorter than average Eclulan. I was worried my babies would not be big and strong.”
Jeffrey frowned. “Well, your big and strong baby is keeping me up all night, and is killing my back…”
Wano gave the train string to Ben to pull and placed himself behind Jeffrey. “I will carry this for you, then.”


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Mark loved his new tattoo he’d gotten around his belly button, he’d always wanted it. But he couldn’t help noticing the extra weight he was gaining in his belly. Little did he know, the tattoo came with a curse, and now life was growing inside him.

David was shocked but couldn’t hide it anymore, he was pregnant. With what he didn’t know, but his belly was full with life.

“Cmon man, not now…” Ross said as he held his gut, feeling the life starting to move inside him. “Just a few more sets, then I’ll rub you all you want”

Brads belly was so round and tight now. He took this pic as soon as he woke up, it was flat the night before. He swore something was moving inside

“Dude! You shouldn’t have swallowed my load! Look! Your belly is already growing!”

“Fuck man, am i gonna birth one too now?”

“Looks like it dude”

Mike looked down on shock, his belly just popped the buttons on his pants. Something was growing inside him!

Brian grunted as his belly tightened and he felt his first contraction.

Brad rushed home as he felt his belly swelling, he walked in his door just as the buttons on his shirt popped off, revealing his now tight pregnant gut.

Will couldn’t stop rubbing his swollen belly, he swore he could feel something moving inside.

Derek felt another growth spurt and watched as his belly expended further, whatever was inside him was coming out soon.

About Jeffrey and Wano(Story Post)When Jeffrey got back to Wano’s room, he found his boyfriend

About Jeffrey and Wano

(Story Post)

When Jeffrey got back to Wano’s room, he found his boyfriend entertaining Ben with a train toy on a string. The tall alien dragged the train behind him and Ben toddled after it. Ben wasn’t usually this active in Jeffrey’s care, so it was nice to see that he was having fun.
When Wano noticed Jeffrey come in, he grinned and went over to kiss his partner. “You are back. What did Fay want to talk at you?”
“He just asked some questions and stuff…” Jeffrey tried to brush off. “It was boring. I thought we’d talk about fairies.”
“Oh. That is too bad,” Wano sympathised. “But then, how was the doctor? You seemed unhappy after the meeting.”
Jeffrey shrugged. “We just talked about how you make babies way too big.”
Wano huffed with pride. “That is good to hear. I am sadly shorter than average Eclulan. I was worried my babies would not be big and strong.”
Jeffrey frowned. “Well, your big and strong baby is keeping me up all night, and is killing my back…”
Wano gave the train string to Ben to pull and placed himself behind Jeffrey. “I will carry this for you, then.”

Before Jeffrey could really say anything, Wano wrapped his arms around Jeffrey’s waist, placed his hands under his stomach. He lifted just a bit but the downward pressure on his partner’s front temporarily eased significantly.
Jeffrey leaned back against him. “Oh my god… That actually fucking helps… Shit…”
Wano smiled and kissed Jeffrey’s neck. “Do not worry. Relax for a moment.”
“A moment? Naw, you’re not allowed to let go now…”
Wano chuckled. “I cannot do this for all time. But soon, this will not be your burden.”
Jeffrey sighed and slid his hands over his boyfriend’s. It felt like their child inside was resting their back against one of Wano’s hands, and little feet fluttered the other side. Too soon would this strong child be born, but at the same time, too late. “…Wano.”
“…Are you only with me because I can have your kids?”
Wano frowned. “…What? Why are you asking this?”
“Because. Because, when we met… That was what we talked about. That’s what we had in common. We both wanted to have a kid. Other than that, I don’t know why you would like me.”
Wano frowned. “Jeffrey… It may be true that it is how we met. But I like you. I feel good with you near me. I am glad you are the one who I am mated with.”
“But what about when you’re gone?” Jeffrey said. “If maybe… On that spaceship, you meet some hot Yulinian who’ll lay eggs for you or something, and when your time’s up, you don’t want to come back to me—”
“That is not going to happen,” Wano cut in. “You are my mate. For an Eclulan, it is like your marriage. I have already promised to be yours.”
Jeffrey’s heart started to race, and he looked up to Wano’s face. “…We’re married?”
Wano blinked and looked down at Jeffrey worried. “…Would you prefer we are not?”
Jeffrey shook his head quickly. “No, I… I just didn’t realise Eclulans take ‘mating’ so seriously…”
“It is very serious,” Wano said. “An Eclulan man must be ready to die for his mate. It is the only true Eclulan partnership.”
“…So, should I be ready to die for you?” Jeffrey asked.
“No, you are human. You do not need to follow rules of Eclul.” Wano let out a deep breath. “There are many rules of Eclul that I have let go since understanding more of Earth, but I believe very much in my duty as a mate. I will not let go of this.”
Jeffrey started to tear up. “…Oh.”
Wano was shocked. “Jeffrey? Are you alright?”
“Yeah…” Jeffrey wiped his eyes. “…I just…I was worried… I was wondering if we were just faking this… If we moved too fast, a-and…everyone else was right. I was worried I just picked a random guy to cling to and we weren’t going to be compatible at all…” He sobbed and put his face in his hands. “But you’re…you’re actually so genuine and nice… And you’re so…so good with Ben… And I’m going to miss you so much when you’re away…”
Wano shook his head lightly and carefully backed them both up to the bed so he could sit down and pull Jeffrey into his lap. “…I am sorry. I did not want to make you cry…”
Jeffrey pressed his head against Wano’s chest. “It’s fine… I’m sorry… I’ve been a bad boyfriend… I’ve been a bad father… I’m bad at everything. I don’t even know why you like me…”
“None is true.” Wano started to rub circles into Jeffrey’s back. “I am the bad mate. I have not provided a good home for you. I cannot even be there with you after our baby is born. I am not even a good enough warrior. It is why I had to leave Eclul.”
Jeffrey looked at him. “…Why was it you left, anyway? You never actually told me…”
Wano looked away. “…I was gadra engineer, you know. Like tank, like Fay said… I just worked on the gadra, make sure they are in good condition and run efficient. But when too many soldiers died, they had me fight. But…the enemy. They were not soldiers. They were just children. That was not what I trained for. I could not fight them.”
Jeffrey scowled. “…You…You think you’re a bad warrior because you wouldn’t kill kids? Wano, warriors don’t kill children. Psychopaths kill children.”
Wano pursed his lips. “…I could not fight, so I could not call myself strong. I could either die or leave. That was all.”
Jeffrey suddenly grabbed Wano’s face and pressed their foreheads together, a serious blaze in his eyes. “Wano. Listen to me. Doing what you did makes you stronger than any other Eclulan out there on that planet.” He sniffled and tightened his grip on his stunned boyfriend’s cheeks. “And I love you.”
Wano looked into Jeffrey’s eyes and knit his brow. “…You do?”
Jeffrey nodded into his forehead. “…You weren’t supposed to make me love you… It makes it harder to know you’re going away…”
Wano wrapped his arms around him and held him close, trying to keep the wet out of his own eyes. “…I love you, too.” He stroked Jeffrey’s hair gently. “…Maybe when I get back, we will have time to have proper human marriage?”
Jeffrey froze and looked up at Wano again. “…Are you proposing to me?”
Wano blushed. “Well… I do not have flowers, or… I believe humans exchange jewellery…”
Jeffrey looked him in the eyes. “It’s okay. Those things are cool, but you don’t need them to propose.”
Wano nodded. “Then yes. That is what I am doing.”
Jeffrey looked at him with intense eyes. “Yes.”
“Yes, about what?” Wano was a little confused.
“Yes, I’ll marry you,” Jeffrey said.
“Ah, okay. I am glad,” Wano shifted his eyes away. “Why are you looking like that…?”
“A proposal is a really big deal for us,” Jeffrey said. “It means we’re engaged now. That means that we aren’t boyfriends anymore. We’re fiancés and that’s more serious than boyfriends.”
“I see…” Wano did not see but he understood that this was important to Jeffrey. “…So, is that everything for the proposal part?”
“Yes, that’s it,” Jeffrey said. “I know you don’t really have any money. We can do the ring and stuff later.”
Jeffrey smiled and kissed Wano deeply. “…Thank you.”
“You are welcome.” Wano didn’t know what he was welcome for, but he liked the shift in mood. “…You are not sad anymore?”
Jeffrey shook his head. “No… I’m very happy.”
Wano smiled. “Well, if you’re good, I think Ben wants to play with you.”
Jeffrey suddenly noticed Ben standing in front of them holding his toy train, just staring right at Jeffrey.
“Jesus Christ,” Jeffrey whispered in shock. “How long has he been watching us like that?”
“I don’t know. The whole time?” Wano guessed.
Jeffrey sat up straight and put his hand on Ben’s head. “Hey, baby boy! I’m sorry if we were ignoring you. Do you want Daddy to play with your train? Can you say ‘train’?”
Ben lifted the toy towards Jeffrey. “Dada.”
Jeffrey’s eyes widened. “What did you say?”
Ben just continued to stare at him.
Jeffrey smiled and picked Ben up onto what little lap he had left. “Ben! That was your first word!”
“First word?” Wano asked. “Really?”
“Yes!” Jeffrey gave his son a hug. “We have to celebrate! I know we literally just celebrated your birthday like two days ago, but we should do something…” He suddenly paused and stared down at his son with a look of concern. Ben just looked back up at him waiting for his dad to do something.
“Jeffrey?” Wano inquired with concern. “Are you okay? Are you seeing something?”
“No, I just…” Jeffrey shook his head, his brow knit together. “This isn’t right…”
“What isn’t right?” Wano asked, now more concerned. “Say what you have thoughts of.”
Jeffrey cupped Ben’s face. “…Ollie should’ve been a part of this… All of this. His birthday. His first word. Ollie helped me raise him most to this point… He’s as important to Ben as I am.”
“What are you meaning?” Wano asked. “You are his parent, no? Ollie is not.”
“He might as well be…” Jeffrey pet Ben’s head. “…Do you want to talk to Uncle Ollie?”
Ben gave him a smile and shoved the train in his face.
Jeffrey chuckled. “Alright… Let me call him.” He put Ben back down and patted Wano’s leg. “Do you mind if I step out for a second?”
“No, I do not mind,” Wano said. “But you do not need to leave. I will go out; I want to take a walk outside.”
Jeffrey tilted his head. “A walk? Why?”
Wano shrugged. “This room is small. I have two weeks left on Earth. I’d like to go see some more trees.”
“Okay. Don’t take too long,” Jeffrey said. “I still want us to celebrate Ben’s first word somehow.”
“I will be back in ten minutes,” Wano said. “Is that okay?”
“Yeah, for sure.” Jeffrey kissed Wano’s cheek before pulling out his phone. “I’ll see you in a bit, my fiancé.”
Wano gave Jeffrey’s stomach a rub. “I cannot get up with you and Ben sitting on me.”
“Right… Give me a second…”
“Do you want help?”
“No, no. I just gotta sorta roll…”
“I will pick you up.”
“Thank you.”

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First story i hope y’all like itt!!!:) tell me what i should do differently and please be nice

alien pregnancy story!!!

Lia Martinez, 19

Lia would awaken in a dark room, she is naked and strapped to a cold metal table

“W-where am i?”

She sees some tall figures come up to her and rest their hands on her belly

“what do you want me with me! and don’t touch me!”

she yelled as she struggled to free herself

the tall figures didn’t respond

“please just let me go”

a big metal contraption came from the ceiling and a long needle went into Lia’s belly button

“what is that? don’t kill me!”

The needle injects a glowing orange liquid

“oh fuck that didn’t feel good”

her belly started to swell bigger and bigger

she screams in pain as her belly gurgles and churns as the aliens grown larger in her belly

“This hurts so much”

the contraption went back up into the ceiling

Lia’s belly groans as it stretches due to the squirming from the alien in her swollen belly, she then passed out and woke up in her room “AHHHH” she screamed as she woke up “phew it was just a dream”

she got up out of bed and walked into her bathroom not noticing her massive and swollen pregnant belly

but then she looked in her mirror “OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” She felt around her swollen belly and felt hard kicks “oh god it wasn’t a dream! there’s no way i have aliens in my belly this is impossible……..


i’m so sorry if this was trash

Not my usual content but saw this the other day and the fantasy as well as unrealistically large pregnancy seems to have hit a sweet spot with me. I love this. What do you think?
