#aliyah watanabe sablinova


The New Avengers

Aliyah: *reading in bed with glasses on*


Aliyah: sigh…what?

Felicity: you wear glasses?

Aliyah: Yes. I need them for reading.

Felicity: but you can see perfectly fine when you’re shooting something?

Aliyah: I’ve got great aim, but I’m far sighted, so I need these to read or write.

Felicity: huh…..do your moms wear glasses?

Aliyah: yeah, my mother Yuri, though you wouldn’t know. She actually didn’t until she was my age.

Felicity: huh……*takes picture*

Aliyah: what’s that for?

Felicity: oh you know, blackmail.

Sophia: Jesus why are you crying!?

Felicity: mY gIrLfRiEnD iS sO pReTtY!!!















changing my name to “leys-third-generation”

Aliyah: Mom, Momma, I want you to meet someone. She’s….she’s very special to me and uh…let’s just say we may have a little one on the way.

Sable: I send you to college for one-

Yuri: *covers her mouth* who is it sweetie?

Aliyah: my girlfriend Felicity.

Sable: *eyes widen*

Yuri: well, it’s certainly a surprise, but we support you both none the less.

Aliyah: really?….we were both worried to tell our families, but…knowing you support me makes it all the better. *smiles*

Sable:……..*pushes Yuri’s hand away* I can’t stay mad at that face. Yes we support you completely.

Yuri: I think you babies will be beautiful!

Aliyah: MOMMA!

Felicity: Moms..

MJ: Please don’t tell me you’re going to jail again, I’m gonna go broke from how many times I’ve bailed you out in jail!

Felicity: Mom!

Felicia: It’s okay hon, I’ll just go rob another bank and-

Felicity: Oh my god!

MJ: Felicia you are a terrible influence!!

Felicity: I FELL IN LOVE.

MJ: Oh.

Felicia: That’s it?

Felicity: Yes!

MJ: Oh thank god!

Felicity: Well, I’m also pregnant-


Felicia: WHAT?!

Yuri: so how exactly did you two meet?


*Seven months ago*

Aliyah: hold it right there thief!

Felicity: *giggles* sorry hero, this necklace is mine!

Aliyah: That belongs to me, not you! Don’t make me angry girl.

Felicity: or what? You’ll make me scream out and beg you to stop?

Aliyah: and call you a good girl while doing it.


Aliyah: …..*realizing what she just said*…….what?

*present day*

Aliyah: oh y’know……chemistry.

Felicia, MJ and Felicity sitting at the table

Felicity: Y’know she’s smart, strong and most importantly hot. I actually think you guys would really like her.

MJ: So how did you two meet exactly?

Felicity: Oh I was just stealing the worlds largest diamond and she randomly came up to me and was gonna arrest me, but then she started talking dirty to me and I guess I started falling for her right then and there!~

MJ: ..talking dirty to you? The first time you two met..?

Felicia: Oooooh, I like the sound of her!

MJ: Stop it Felicia! Don’t encourage her!

Felicia, rolling her eyes: Oh boo-hoo..

The room goes quiet

Felicia: Is she rich?


Note: I am now having too much fun with this. New obsession. Will NOT apologize.

Weeks before

Felicity: *snuggled against Aliyah in their shared apartment* do you think our moms will be mad at us if we tell them we’re together?

Aliyah: I mean, we could just say we started as roommates and THEN started dating. We’ve been living together for some time now. *brushes a few strands of hair away from Felicity’s eyes* It could work.

Felicity:…..yeah totally….because I 100% told them I moved in with you.

Aliyah: Fel!

Felicity: Hey! Just because I’m living in a very nice apartment rent free that doesn’t mean I can’t pocket what I receive. Besides, that money is going into our wedding.

Aliyah: WEDDING!?

Felicity: Yes! My moms always told me to plan ahead.

Note: I feel the exact same, I ALSO will not apologize.

Felicity: Also, how would you feel if I told you I’ve stolen over 300,000 dollars worth of jewelry..?

Aliyah: WHAT?!?

Felicity: LOOK, my mom, Felicia, taught me to plan ahead.. primarily for robberies of course but I guess you could plan ahead for other stuff too! Such as a marriage…

Felicity:However my mother, Mary Jane, taught me to be honest with the people that I love and trust!

Aliyah: But that’s still wrong!-

Felicity: Ohh could you really be mad at me?~

Aliyah: W-Well, I mean.. I-I guess it’s not that big of a deal b-but-

Felicity: Awh thank you baby, anyways I’ve got a ride to the bank to catch! See ya later!

She exits through the window and jumps from roof to roof before Aliyah can say or do anything to stop her.

Aliyah, sighing: That woman is really something..

Aliyah: *bored out of her mind at a gala event* Mom do I really have to attend these? I have classes to pass you know.

Sable: I know. But it is important for the Symkarian royal family to make a proper appearance in the country we reside in from time to time. That and the embassy requested my presence.

Yuri: it’s a lie. She likes showing us off.

Sable: …..so!? Come dance with my my dear.

Yuri: *chuckles* west wing is pretty quite. Just stay around for your mothers speech and you’re free to go out after.

Aliyah: sigh….alright. Thank you momma. *walks into the corner of the hosts museum and stares at a few animals to sketch*

Felicity: *hangs down* Hey babe! What’s what?

Aliyah: *Jumps*….what the hell are you doing here!?

Felicity: *holding a bad full of jewels*……window shopping.

Aliyah: it is wonder how I tolerate you.

Felicity: you love me~ *gives her a small peck on the lips*

Aliyah: Well you’re not wrong about that.

Felicity: Mmh, I know~

Aliyah: Now hand me the jewels.

Felicity: What?!

Aliyah: You heard me.

Felicity: No!

Aliyah:She puts her hand out.

Felicity: Fine! You want em’? Then come and get em’ sugar!

Aliyah: Oh god, my moms are gonna kill me when they find out I left.. She sighs then runs after Felicity GET BACK HERE!!

Aliyah: *running after her* dammit felicity!

Felicity: *jumps across a large gap and looks back* getting tired already? Come on, you’re not even wearing heels, come get me~ *darts off*

Aliyah: dammit……*runs faster and jumps, barely making it across and hitting her shin against the side of the building. Hissing in pain* FUCK!

Felicity:….Ali? Are you okay?

Aliyah: *gets up* fine….give me the jewels NOW.

Felicity:…..no, you haven’t caught me yet!

Aliyah: *groans* Fel-

Felicity: you have to catch me!

Aliyah, jumps onto a rooftop: Damn it, next time-

Felicity: You alright?

Aliyah: Now that you broke my back? Yeah, totally.

Felicity: Awhh, I’m sorry solider~

May: Stop!-

May: Oh.

Felicity: Hey May!

Aliyah: Hey May.

Felicity: How’s your older brother?

May: He’s fine.. uhm, what’s?-

Felicity: Just stopping this criminal.

Aliyah&May: What?!

Felicity: Yep! Throes May a diamond necklace while backing up. Here’s a necklace she stole!

Aliyah: I didn’t!

Felicity: Bye! Jumps off the ledge and runs away.

Felicity: Call you tonight bae!

Aliyah: Oh what the hell!

Aliyah, turns her head to May: Did you actually believe her?

May: No……..

Aliyah: ..

May: Maybe..

May: *helping Aliyah* so uh….how long have you two been together?

Aliyah: a few months. We live together now.

May: wow. Big steps. You two uh-

Aliyah: yes.

May: huh….didn’t take you for a cat person.

Aliyah: neither did I. But…..I love her. A lot actually.

May: even when she steals and blames you?

Aliyah: well….yeah. Guess you can’t say she doesn’t keep our lives interesting. *chuckles and sees her phone*……god my moms are gonna be mad.

May: need a swing?

Aliyah: yeah….and May?

May: mm?

Aliyah: don’t tell anyone okay?


Note: I blame autocorrect for my bad grammar in my previous reblogs..

May, putting Aliyah down: Watch your step-

Yuri: Aliyah! Where have you been my love! We’ve been searching everywhere!

Aliyah: Sorry momma, I just had to go take care of something.

Silver, walking towards the two: Well I really hope it was worth your while because you missed the whole ceremony and worried the living hell out of your mother and I.

Aliyah: I’m sorry мама, those weren’t my intentions.-

Aliyah’s phone starts ringing.

Aliyah: I’m so sorry, I need to take this call.

Silver, sighing: Go ahead.

Aliyah, walking to the corner of the room: Hello?

Felicity: Hey Al..

Aliyah: What is it Felicity, I’m busy getting yelled at by my mom.

Felicity: You’re not gonna believe this but..

Aliyah: But what?

Felicity: I’m pregnant.

Aliyah:……I’m on my way home now. I’ll be there shortly okay?

Felicity: okay…I- I love you.

Aliyah: I love you too. I’ll see you soon. *hands up* fuck.

Yuri: *walking over* everything alright?

Aliyah: yeah, I just have to go home. My um….my roommate called.

Yuri: a roommate?

Aliyah: yeah look- I have to go. I’m sorry again-

Sable: wait we-

Yuri: hey…*looks at sable*

Sable:…we’ll talk later then. Be safe Aliyah.

Aliyah: I will *runs home*

Felicity: *laying in bed*

Aliyah: *come home and sits next to her* hey, it’s okay. I’m here now. *holds her* I’m here for you.










changing my name to “leys-third-generation”

Aliyah: Mom, Momma, I want you to meet someone. She’s….she’s very special to me and uh…let’s just say we may have a little one on the way.

Sable: I send you to college for one-

Yuri: *covers her mouth* who is it sweetie?

Aliyah: my girlfriend Felicity.

Sable: *eyes widen*

Yuri: well, it’s certainly a surprise, but we support you both none the less.

Aliyah: really?….we were both worried to tell our families, but…knowing you support me makes it all the better. *smiles*

Sable:……..*pushes Yuri’s hand away* I can’t stay mad at that face. Yes we support you completely.

Yuri: I think you babies will be beautiful!

Aliyah: MOMMA!

Felicity: Moms..

MJ: Please don’t tell me you’re going to jail again, I’m gonna go broke from how many times I’ve bailed you out in jail!

Felicity: Mom!

Felicia: It’s okay hon, I’ll just go rob another bank and-

Felicity: Oh my god!

MJ: Felicia you are a terrible influence!!

Felicity: I FELL IN LOVE.

MJ: Oh.

Felicia: That’s it?

Felicity: Yes!

MJ: Oh thank god!

Felicity: Well, I’m also pregnant-


Felicia: WHAT?!

Yuri: so how exactly did you two meet?


*Seven months ago*

Aliyah: hold it right there thief!

Felicity: *giggles* sorry hero, this necklace is mine!

Aliyah: That belongs to me, not you! Don’t make me angry girl.

Felicity: or what? You’ll make me scream out and beg you to stop?

Aliyah: and call you a good girl while doing it.


Aliyah: …..*realizing what she just said*…….what?

*present day*

Aliyah: oh y’know……chemistry.

Felicia, MJ and Felicity sitting at the table

Felicity: Y’know she’s smart, strong and most importantly hot. I actually think you guys would really like her.

MJ: So how did you two meet exactly?

Felicity: Oh I was just stealing the worlds largest diamond and she randomly came up to me and was gonna arrest me, but then she started talking dirty to me and I guess I started falling for her right then and there!~

MJ: ..talking dirty to you? The first time you two met..?

Felicia: Oooooh, I like the sound of her!

MJ: Stop it Felicia! Don’t encourage her!

Felicia, rolling her eyes: Oh boo-hoo..

The room goes quiet

Felicia: Is she rich?


Note: I am now having too much fun with this. New obsession. Will NOT apologize.

Weeks before

Felicity: *snuggled against Aliyah in their shared apartment* do you think our moms will be mad at us if we tell them we’re together?

Aliyah: I mean, we could just say we started as roommates and THEN started dating. We’ve been living together for some time now. *brushes a few strands of hair away from Felicity’s eyes* It could work.

Felicity:…..yeah totally….because I 100% told them I moved in with you.

Aliyah: Fel!

Felicity: Hey! Just because I’m living in a very nice apartment rent free that doesn’t mean I can’t pocket what I receive. Besides, that money is going into our wedding.

Aliyah: WEDDING!?

Felicity: Yes! My moms always told me to plan ahead.

Note: I feel the exact same, I ALSO will not apologize.

Felicity: Also, how would you feel if I told you I’ve stolen over 300,000 dollars worth of jewelry..?

Aliyah: WHAT?!?

Felicity: LOOK, my mom, Felicia, taught me to plan ahead.. primarily for robberies of course but I guess you could plan ahead for other stuff too! Such as a marriage…

Felicity:However my mother, Mary Jane, taught me to be honest with the people that I love and trust!

Aliyah: But that’s still wrong!-

Felicity: Ohh could you really be mad at me?~

Aliyah: W-Well, I mean.. I-I guess it’s not that big of a deal b-but-

Felicity: Awh thank you baby, anyways I’ve got a ride to the bank to catch! See ya later!

She exits through the window and jumps from roof to roof before Aliyah can say or do anything to stop her.

Aliyah, sighing: That woman is really something..

Aliyah: *bored out of her mind at a gala event* Mom do I really have to attend these? I have classes to pass you know.

Sable: I know. But it is important for the Symkarian royal family to make a proper appearance in the country we reside in from time to time. That and the embassy requested my presence.

Yuri: it’s a lie. She likes showing us off.

Sable: …..so!? Come dance with my my dear.

Yuri: *chuckles* west wing is pretty quite. Just stay around for your mothers speech and you’re free to go out after.

Aliyah: sigh….alright. Thank you momma. *walks into the corner of the hosts museum and stares at a few animals to sketch*

Felicity: *hangs down* Hey babe! What’s what?

Aliyah: *Jumps*….what the hell are you doing here!?

Felicity: *holding a bad full of jewels*……window shopping.

Aliyah: it is wonder how I tolerate you.

Felicity: you love me~ *gives her a small peck on the lips*

Aliyah: Well you’re not wrong about that.

Felicity: Mmh, I know~

Aliyah: Now hand me the jewels.

Felicity: What?!

Aliyah: You heard me.

Felicity: No!

Aliyah:She puts her hand out.

Felicity: Fine! You want em’? Then come and get em’ sugar!

Aliyah: Oh god, my moms are gonna kill me when they find out I left.. She sighs then runs after Felicity GET BACK HERE!!

Aliyah: *running after her* dammit felicity!

Felicity: *jumps across a large gap and looks back* getting tired already? Come on, you’re not even wearing heels, come get me~ *darts off*

Aliyah: dammit……*runs faster and jumps, barely making it across and hitting her shin against the side of the building. Hissing in pain* FUCK!

Felicity:….Ali? Are you okay?

Aliyah: *gets up* fine….give me the jewels NOW.

Felicity:…..no, you haven’t caught me yet!

Aliyah: *groans* Fel-

Felicity: you have to catch me!








changing my name to “leys-third-generation”

Aliyah: Mom, Momma, I want you to meet someone. She’s….she’s very special to me and uh…let’s just say we may have a little one on the way.

Sable: I send you to college for one-

Yuri: *covers her mouth* who is it sweetie?

Aliyah: my girlfriend Felicity.

Sable: *eyes widen*

Yuri: well, it’s certainly a surprise, but we support you both none the less.

Aliyah: really?….we were both worried to tell our families, but…knowing you support me makes it all the better. *smiles*

Sable:……..*pushes Yuri’s hand away* I can’t stay mad at that face. Yes we support you completely.

Yuri: I think you babies will be beautiful!

Aliyah: MOMMA!

Felicity: Moms..

MJ: Please don’t tell me you’re going to jail again, I’m gonna go broke from how many times I’ve bailed you out in jail!

Felicity: Mom!

Felicia: It’s okay hon, I’ll just go rob another bank and-

Felicity: Oh my god!

MJ: Felicia you are a terrible influence!!

Felicity: I FELL IN LOVE.

MJ: Oh.

Felicia: That’s it?

Felicity: Yes!

MJ: Oh thank god!

Felicity: Well, I’m also pregnant-


Felicia: WHAT?!

Yuri: so how exactly did you two meet?


*Seven months ago*

Aliyah: hold it right there thief!

Felicity: *giggles* sorry hero, this necklace is mine!

Aliyah: That belongs to me, not you! Don’t make me angry girl.

Felicity: or what? You’ll make me scream out and beg you to stop?

Aliyah: and call you a good girl while doing it.


Aliyah: …..*realizing what she just said*…….what?

*present day*

Aliyah: oh y’know……chemistry.

Felicia, MJ and Felicity sitting at the table

Felicity: Y’know she’s smart, strong and most importantly hot. I actually think you guys would really like her.

MJ: So how did you two meet exactly?

Felicity: Oh I was just stealing the worlds largest diamond and she randomly came up to me and was gonna arrest me, but then she started talking dirty to me and I guess I started falling for her right then and there!~

MJ: ..talking dirty to you? The first time you two met..?

Felicia: Oooooh, I like the sound of her!

MJ: Stop it Felicia! Don’t encourage her!

Felicia, rolling her eyes: Oh boo-hoo..

The room goes quiet

Felicia: Is she rich?


Note: I am now having too much fun with this. New obsession. Will NOT apologize.

Weeks before

Felicity: *snuggled against Aliyah in their shared apartment* do you think our moms will be mad at us if we tell them we’re together?

Aliyah: I mean, we could just say we started as roommates and THEN started dating. We’ve been living together for some time now. *brushes a few strands of hair away from Felicity’s eyes* It could work.

Felicity:…..yeah totally….because I 100% told them I moved in with you.

Aliyah: Fel!

Felicity: Hey! Just because I’m living in a very nice apartment rent free that doesn’t mean I can’t pocket what I receive. Besides, that money is going into our wedding.

Aliyah: WEDDING!?

Felicity: Yes! My moms always told me to plan ahead.

Note: I feel the exact same, I ALSO will not apologize.

Felicity: Also, how would you feel if I told you I’ve stolen over 300,000 dollars worth of jewelry..?

Aliyah: WHAT?!?

Felicity: LOOK, my mom, Felicia, taught me to plan ahead.. primarily for robberies of course but I guess you could plan ahead for other stuff too! Such as a marriage…

Felicity:However my mother, Mary Jane, taught me to be honest with the people that I love and trust!

Aliyah: But that’s still wrong!-

Felicity: Ohh could you really be mad at me?~

Aliyah: W-Well, I mean.. I-I guess it’s not that big of a deal b-but-

Felicity: Awh thank you baby, anyways I’ve got a ride to the bank to catch! See ya later!

She exits through the window and jumps from roof to roof before Aliyah can say or do anything to stop her.

Aliyah, sighing: That woman is really something..

Aliyah: *bored out of her mind at a gala event* Mom do I really have to attend these? I have classes to pass you know.

Sable: I know. But it is important for the Symkarian royal family to make a proper appearance in the country we reside in from time to time. That and the embassy requested my presence.

Yuri: it’s a lie. She likes showing us off.

Sable: …..so!? Come dance with my my dear.

Yuri: *chuckles* west wing is pretty quite. Just stay around for your mothers speech and you’re free to go out after.

Aliyah: sigh….alright. Thank you momma. *walks into the corner of the hosts museum and stares at a few animals to sketch*

Felicity: *hangs down* Hey babe! What’s what?

Aliyah: *Jumps*….what the hell are you doing here!?

Felicity: *holding a bad full of jewels*……window shopping.

Aliyah: it is wonder how I tolerate you.

Felicity: you love me~ *gives her a small peck on the lips*






changing my name to “leys-third-generation”

Aliyah: Mom, Momma, I want you to meet someone. She’s….she’s very special to me and uh…let’s just say we may have a little one on the way.

Sable: I send you to college for one-

Yuri: *covers her mouth* who is it sweetie?

Aliyah: my girlfriend Felicity.

Sable: *eyes widen*

Yuri: well, it’s certainly a surprise, but we support you both none the less.

Aliyah: really?….we were both worried to tell our families, but…knowing you support me makes it all the better. *smiles*

Sable:……..*pushes Yuri’s hand away* I can’t stay mad at that face. Yes we support you completely.

Yuri: I think you babies will be beautiful!

Aliyah: MOMMA!

Felicity: Moms..

MJ: Please don’t tell me you’re going to jail again, I’m gonna go broke from how many times I’ve bailed you out in jail!

Felicity: Mom!

Felicia: It’s okay hon, I’ll just go rob another bank and-

Felicity: Oh my god!

MJ: Felicia you are a terrible influence!!

Felicity: I FELL IN LOVE.

MJ: Oh.

Felicia: That’s it?

Felicity: Yes!

MJ: Oh thank god!

Felicity: Well, I’m also pregnant-


Felicia: WHAT?!

Yuri: so how exactly did you two meet?


*Seven months ago*

Aliyah: hold it right there thief!

Felicity: *giggles* sorry hero, this necklace is mine!

Aliyah: That belongs to me, not you! Don’t make me angry girl.

Felicity: or what? You’ll make me scream out and beg you to stop?

Aliyah: and call you a good girl while doing it.


Aliyah: …..*realizing what she just said*…….what?

*present day*

Aliyah: oh y’know……chemistry.

Felicia, MJ and Felicity sitting at the table

Felicity: Y’know she’s smart, strong and most importantly hot. I actually think you guys would really like her.

MJ: So how did you two meet exactly?

Felicity: Oh I was just stealing the worlds largest diamond and she randomly came up to me and was gonna arrest me, but then she started talking dirty to me and I guess I started falling for her right then and there!~

MJ: ..talking dirty to you? The first time you two met..?

Felicia: Oooooh, I like the sound of her!

MJ: Stop it Felicia! Don’t encourage her!

Felicia, rolling her eyes: Oh boo-hoo..

The room goes quiet

Felicia: Is she rich?


Note: I am now having too much fun with this. New obsession. Will NOT apologize.

Weeks before

Felicity: *snuggled against Aliyah in their shared apartment* do you think our moms will be mad at us if we tell them we’re together?

Aliyah: I mean, we could just say we started as roommates and THEN started dating. We’ve been living together for some time now. *brushes a few strands of hair away from Felicity’s eyes* It could work.

Felicity:…..yeah totally….because I 100% told them I moved in with you.

Aliyah: Fel!

Felicity: Hey! Just because I’m living in a very nice apartment rent free that doesn’t mean I can’t pocket what I receive. Besides, that money is going into our wedding.

Aliyah: WEDDING!?

Felicity: Yes! My moms always told me to plan ahead.




changing my name to “leys-third-generation”

Aliyah: Mom, Momma, I want you to meet someone. She’s….she’s very special to me and uh…let’s just say we may have a little one on the way.

Sable: I send you to college for one-

Yuri: *covers her mouth* who is it sweetie?

Aliyah: my girlfriend Felicity.

Sable: *eyes widen*

Yuri: well, it’s certainly a surprise, but we support you both none the less.

Aliyah: really?….we were both worried to tell our families, but…knowing you support me makes it all the better. *smiles*

Sable:……..*pushes Yuri’s hand away* I can’t stay mad at that face. Yes we support you completely.

Yuri: I think you babies will be beautiful!

Aliyah: MOMMA!

Felicity: Moms..

MJ: Please don’t tell me you’re going to jail again, I’m gonna go broke from how many times I’ve bailed you out in jail!

Felicity: Mom!

Felicia: It’s okay hon, I’ll just go rob another bank and-

Felicity: Oh my god!

MJ: Felicia you are a terrible influence!!

Felicity: I FELL IN LOVE.

MJ: Oh.

Felicia: That’s it?

Felicity: Yes!

MJ: Oh thank god!

Felicity: Well, I’m also pregnant-


Felicia: WHAT?!

Yuri: so how exactly did you two meet?


*Seven months ago*

Aliyah: hold it right there thief!

Felicity: *giggles* sorry hero, this necklace is mine!

Aliyah: That belongs to me, not you! Don’t make me angry girl.

Felicity: or what? You’ll make me scream out and beg you to stop?

Aliyah: and call you a good girl while doing it.


Aliyah: …..*realizing what she just said*…….what?

*present day*

Aliyah: oh y’know……chemistry.


changing my name to “leys-third-generation”

Aliyah: Mom, Momma, I want you to meet someone. She’s….she’s very special to me and uh…let’s just say we may have a little one on the way.

Sable: I send you to college for one-

Yuri: *covers her mouth* who is it sweetie?

Aliyah: my girlfriend Felicity.

Sable: *eyes widen*

Yuri: well, it’s certainly a surprise, but we support you both none the less.

Aliyah: really?….we were both worried to tell our families, but…knowing you support me makes it all the better. *smiles*

Sable:……..*pushes Yuri’s hand away* I can’t stay mad at that face. Yes we support you completely.

Yuri: I think you babies will be beautiful!

Aliyah: MOMMA!


Silver: Put your fists up.

9 year old Aliyah: Alright mama.

Silver: Now punch me.

Aliyah: What??

Silver: Punch me.

Aliyah: What no!

Silver: Aliy, do it.

Aliyah: I said no!

Silver: I’m trying to teach you how to defend yourself!

Aliyah: And I said no!!

Silver: Damn it rebenok, you got your stubbornness from your mother!

Yuri: Excuse me?

I’m loving these!


A little SableYuri comic……. (and Aliyah)

Words cannot express how much I love this!!!

Might have like 2,000+ arranging in my head right now but AGHHHHHH!!!!!! I live them so much!!!
