#all hail king morel




Morel Mackernasey X Reader

A/N: Again, I put my whole badussy into this. This is my return from hiatus. This is the one. You thought it would be Kite? No. M O R E L .

Description: You have a little secret to tell Morel. All you had to do was get him alone with you, so visiting a local bar was the perfect excuse. Unfortunately, before you could get to the good part, someone else had to come ruin the show. Men, amirite?

Tags:fluff,fem!reader, blood, cursing, alcohol, suggestive themes and interactions

Word Count: 3495

You had to make a move now. Drinks were on special tonight, so it was the perfect excuse to invite him out. He would be none the wiser of your intentions… for the moment. The end goal was to confess your feelings for him, but you had to test the waters over a few drinks first to see if he too was interested. Moving from friends to lovers was always a hard thing to imagine. You had an overactive mind, and the man in question was Morel. He was too calm for you to deduce if he had any interest in you that way. If he did, he hid it well, and that was what made it so hard for you to make the first move. There was no backing out tonight though. You’d at least give him your private number. That would be something. 

Standing outside of one of the many lounges in the Hunter’s Association building, you hyped yourself up in the hallway before you headed in. It was silly, but you really needed it. Your heart fluttered like an anxious teen who was about to talk to their crush; which honestly wasn’t that far from reality. Instead of teens though, it was two seasoned adults known for being tough, which made it hilarious in concept. One more deep breath and a pat to your chest later, you rounded the corner prepared to insert yourself into his conversation to make your proposal. It wouldn’t be too hard since he was chatting with Shoot and Knuckle as always. Good friends are always a plus to diffuse any possible tensions you may create. 

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This is so great! Ahhhhh I’m so glad there are others who appreciate Pipe Daddy
