#all i have to do is about 100-200 paintings nbd

Aaaa guys I have big news!! I’m working with Marvel as the sole artist on a fully illustrated

Aaaa guys I have big news!! I’m working with Marvel as the sole artist on a fully illustrated book of female superheroes! I accepted the job a few months ago and it was revealed recently at BookCon, so I can finally talk about it! The book is due to be published in February 2019 ahead of the upcoming Captain Marvel film. 

Lorraine Cink will be the author, here is our original announcement, we are both so excited and have already gotten SO much support. This is one of the largest projects I’ve ever taken on and will take up most of my year. I normally don’t do such large commitments but I really believe in this - even though I’m stressed as hell about the amount of work it’s worth it and I hope it’ll be empowering to Marvel fans, especially young girls!

Follow me on Instagram for more frequent updates on the project - all WIPs and sketches (that I’m allowed to share) will be posted first there! Along with any questions and comments you have. 

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