#all in good fun






Okay, hot take? Bisexual and pansexual are functionallysynonyms, and the decision to ID as one or the other comes down to personal preference and interpretation, and any attempt to further separate the two is driving a wedge between two communities that should have nothing but love and solidarity for one another. 

We have more in common than not, and the words for our respective identities should not be pitted against each other. 

Yeah with overlapping identities like this I just go for whichever one I like the pride flag the most.

That’s so valid. 

I mean no harm (?) But… Pans are just cute baby bunnies while bis are grumpy pessimistic crows… Everything said with all my love XD

ngl being called a grumpy pessimistic crow is like, my ideal. highest possible compliment in my world. n i c e. 

So I’m a Spider, So What’s Kumo takes on Oozaru Vegeta

Kumo wins! Has a simian snack.

@ whoever reblogged my post to say he has big nostrils…you’re right but you shouldn’t say it
