#all my favourite things



[ID: Sketch in black on a pale red background of Lancelot and Gwaine. They are sitting on a bed with poofy blankets bunched up around them so only their top halves are visible. Lancelot is positions as if sitting on Gwaine’s lap, and wearing a baggy shirt. His head is arched back as Gwaine pulles his hair, and his hand is half curled into a fist on Gwaine’s shoulder. Gwaine is sitting up, supported by his other arm. Both have their eyes closed and lips parted. End ID]


One for the Gwaincelot fans


okayodysseus: Everyone is a Lady: Romeo and Juliet Edition [pt. 1]∟  Romeo: Maisie Williams     Juliokayodysseus: Everyone is a Lady: Romeo and Juliet Edition [pt. 1]∟  Romeo: Maisie Williams     Juliokayodysseus: Everyone is a Lady: Romeo and Juliet Edition [pt. 1]∟  Romeo: Maisie Williams     Juliokayodysseus: Everyone is a Lady: Romeo and Juliet Edition [pt. 1]∟  Romeo: Maisie Williams     Juliokayodysseus: Everyone is a Lady: Romeo and Juliet Edition [pt. 1]∟  Romeo: Maisie Williams     Juli


Everyone is a Lady: Romeo and Juliet Edition [pt. 1]

∟  Romeo: Maisie Williams
     Juliet: Elle Fanning
     Mercutio:  Zoë Kravitz 
     Tybalt: Nicole Peltz
     Benvolio: Marie Avgeropoulos

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