#all smite


Reader: F
Character:Toshinori Yagi/All Might
Rating: M
Summary:You are the wife to the villain, All Smite
Warning: Implied Violence, All Smite AU, Housewife!Reader
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  “Honey, I’m home!” Toshinori cheered as he entered the small home your shared. 

Toshinori Yagi, also known as All Smite, he lived a life of crime. He stole, fought and won. He was the number one villain in the country, he struck fear into the hearts of many and intended to keep it that way.

But everyone had their soft spots and Toshinori was no exceptions. He had you, his lovely wife. You were the one thing he couldn’t live without. He loved you deeply. But getting married to a criminal was tricky business. It involved you keeping your last name, Toshinori used a different name and you had someone in his inner circle officiate the wedding. 

You were unofficially known to his inner circle as Mrs. Yagi, but on paper you still had your last name. 

  “Honey, where are you?” He asked as he poked around the living room. There was no sign of you, he looked around and called out for you until he heard your beautiful voice.

  “Oh, hi, baby.” You smiled, “Sorry I was cutting the chicken for the cutlets tonight.” 

Toshinori entered the kitchen, a bag in hand and a grin on his face, “Did you miss me today?”

You chuckled, “I miss you every day.” You turned around and saw him. A speck of blood across his white shirt and on his chin. You sucked your teeth and shook your head, “Toshi, what did I say about getting blood on your shirt?” 

He looked down at his shirt to find the blood, “I didn’t get any blood on me.”

You lowered the heat of the air fryer, hot up on your tippy toes and touched him on the shoulder, “Right here, honey.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry my love.” He sighed, “I was trying to be careful. But there were some officers sniffing around our home, I had to take care of them.”

  “Is that why you have quite a large bag in your hand?” You asked as you placed your hands on your hips. 

He gave a slight smile and pulled you into a hug, “Can I not just buy gifts for me lovely wife?”

  “Suck up.” You chuckled as you kissed him on the lips. 

He pulled away from the kiss and handed you the bag, “For my favourite person in the world.” He smiled.

You brought the bag to the table and opened it, inside was a new dress. This one had strawberries on it. You opened your mouth in surprise, you had been looking at it for some time in the shop window. And further in the bag was a small box containing a necklace in the shape of a strawberry.

  “Oh, honey.” You said as you looked back at your husband, “You shouldn’t have.”

  “How could I not, you love strawberries and I love you.” He smiled and pulled you into a hug, “Plus you’ll need to get some new dresses because of the little one.” He said as he reached down and touched the slight curve of your belly.

You chuckled, “It also means you might have to go more underground soon, he’s getting bigger every day.” 

Toshinori smiled and went in for another kiss, “Soon my dear, one more project and I’m all yours until the baby comes. Now go try on the dress, I want to see it on you.”

  “Okay, okay, but keep an eye on the rice cooker and fryer.” You chuckled as you grabbed the bag and headed to the bedroom.

Toshinori leaned back against the counter and picked off the dried blood. One more task, take down All for One, then he can relax with you. He knew strawberry dresses don’t make up for him not being home as much.

But that hero needed to be taken down, and then he can have his family in peace. One more battle and then he can finally stay home. 

Reader: F
Character:Toshinori Yagi/All Might
Rating: E
Summary:You belong to All Smite now and he’s not letting you go.
Warning:Yandere, All Smite, Threats
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You were crying, it was the second day of being under Toshinori Yagi or All Smite’s thumb and you woke up crying. You thought it was all some dream but when you woke up, there was only the pretty pink room that he put you in. 

So you cried and cried, fought against the chain on your leg and cried so loudly that Toshinori came into the room.

  “My angel.” he said as he touched the side of your face with his large hand.

  “Don’t touch me!” You growled, you wiped your tears away and scowled at him. 

  “Princess, see this why I can’t let you out of these chains just yet. You need to calm down.” 

  “Calm down! You kidnapped me!” You shouted as you started to cry again.

He sat down on the edge of the soft, pink bed. He sighed and said, “It was to protect you. I needed to protect you.”

  “You stole me!” You snapped.

“This world doesn’t deserve an angel like you.” He said as he lifted your chin to look at him.

You still had tears in your eyes, “Mr. Smite. Please let me go.” 

  “I can’t my angel, this world is so cruel and hurtful. It won’t protect you the way I can.” He said as he pushed back some of your hair out of your eyes. 

  “I’d rather you kill me,” You said.

He frowned, “Don’t say that, we’ll have a beautiful life together. You need a safe place to stay and there’s nowhere safer than with me.” He touched your face again, this time a little harder, “Plus, I don’t want to have to hurt your family.” 

Your eyes went wide as you looked over to him, “No…”

  “Your mom, sister, brother. I know where they all are, scattered across the country. But destruction doesn’t choose who lives and dies… I can simply make sure they don’t survive.” 

Your blood ran cold and you stopped fighting him. The fight left you. Not them, anyone but them. Your relationship with your family wasn’t the closest but the thought of them dying at the hands of the number one villain. 

  “But if I behave?” You asked.

He nodded, “Then everything will be fine. I made this room just for you. All your favourite things.” He smiled.

You looked around, it was pink, filly and made for a child. You couldn’t say that you hated pink and frills, you didn’t want to upset him even further. What about your family?

  “it’s beautiful.” You smiled.

Toshinori rubbed your leg and smiled down at you, “Now how about we get some breakfast into you. I bet you’re hungry.” 

You nodded, you kept your mouth shut. He pet your head and smiled down at you. He thought you looked so cute in the outfit he worked onto you. You were so small and needed to be protected. 

  “Do you want some pancakes?” He asked as he got up from the bed. 

You simply looked at him, your will to fight still gone and said, “Yes All Smite.” 

And all he did in response was grin. 


GN!Reader x All Smite | One shot | No rating | Warning: power dynamics, intimidation, brief mention of death. 

You’re a lowly thief. A decent safecracker, recruited into the infamous number one villain All Might’s ranks for a heist. You keep to yourself for the most part..until late one night you walk into a room in the dingy warehouse that was used as his base of operation. The man himself is hunched over and grumbling, a single yellow light hanging over his head swayed lazily, amplifying his blond tufts of hair that shot upward. What in the hell was he doing?

Nearing, All Might throws something across the room with a snarl, a small container that hits the wall with a piercing sound, glass shattering and black ink staining the wall. The smell is immediate- nail polish. You have to stifle the laugh that leaves you after the initial shock dissipates, bright burning blue eyes turning to you, his thick blond brows furrowing in his anger at the sudden intruder. “You.” he bellows, jabbing a large finger down at the ground besides him, “Come here.”

Who are you to deny the Scourge of Japan, the Great Villain, All Might? You realize you aren’t breathing, stepping towards the giant of a man – there was no way to refuse even if you had wanted to. This is it, you’re dead. You had laughed at the man and now he was going to end your miserable little life. 


He barks out, kicking the stool next to him with his heavy boot. You finally take that breath you’d been holding. He orders you to paint his nails. You would’ve laughed if it wasn’thim. No, you had learned your lesson.

Your hands are trembling with the brush, a twisted smile on the villains face seeing how he affected you so. Sweet little safecracker…His cerulean eyes roam over the way your lips parted, brows raised in concentration as the slightest bit of sweat began to bead on your brow. You took care, painting each with an endless black, not daring to mark his skin with the polish.

Those calloused and scarred hands, monstrous in size, had leveled near cities to ruin. They could end you in a fraction of a second. The man was terrifying.  It felt like hours, feeling his harsh gaze on you ,doing your best at the task at hand. There is a hum in the back of the giants throat, a grim satisfaction at your trembling hands and anxious demeanor… He was enjoyingthis. 

When all ten were finally painted you let out a sigh of relief.

No sooner then your exhale started did his hand grip your chin, oh the fear in your eyes was delicious to him, especially how you let out a loud gasp as his hand tilted your head upwards. Your nose flaring at the  acrid smell of wet polish so close.  His thumb ran against your bottom lip, his tongue mimicking the action as it ran along his sharp canine. "See you soon, My little Safecracker.” the sound of his voice like rolling thunder, an approaching storm just over the horizon- a warning of what was to come. 

No words left your too-dry mouth, terror lined your every feature as he grinned down at you. His hand left your chin, a sinister smile against his lips. All Might had drank his dose of fear and had had his fill…for now. He stood, chuckling as heavy boots beat against the concrete with muffled thuds. Casting one last glance as you trembled with nails digging into the wood of the table, too petrified of what transpired to look back.

He was obsessed with it– this power over you. You were his little rabbit hopelessly ensnared in his trap. You just didn’t know it yet.

Smite would wear (and ROCK) a Jason from Friday the 13th costume for Halloween 
