#all that good stuff


Had a little more play time last night/this morning so here goes! 

I forgot about CowBell… RIP. She was a real one

The rest is under the cut cause some of the screenshots are kinda large.

Camilla got the weirdest pop up thing at work.

So she decided to paint the portrait, gained some money and fame… But then she was mad cause people now know her?

Camilla and Salim went to check out their wedding venue (which I thought was prefect) but neither of them were feeling it. (Camilla’s reaction is the first, Salim’s the second) They’ll have to suck it up tho cause I’m not looking for another spot.

Salim took up painting on his day off.

Camilla took up juice fizzing on hers.

Miracle has decided she’s a bear pirate (I hate that bear costume so one of my handy, dandy mods made her a pirate instead).

The morning of their wedding, we got the eating for two notification, which is crazy cause she gave me zero indication she was pregnant. Sneaky one, that Camilla.

She shared the news with Salim, but also her concerns about fitting into her dress. The baby bump was not included in the measurements. He told her it’ll be fine.

It was fine. The dress is stretchy. 

Miracle enjoyed her role as the flower pal (I think that’s what it’s called). She’s so cute.

This guy thought this was his audition or something.

The cake was yummy.

With all that being said, I am never, EVER throwing another one these new weddings. I’m probably in the 1% of players who actually liked the OG weddings. With all my mods, it works exactly how it should, and I was satisfied with the outcome. To me, the original goals are already micromanage-y enough so this new stuff is waaaay too much for me. Part of that might be my fault since I selected all these things for them to do there, lol, but I think I’ll stick with my simple weddings.

Next time I go back in game, we’ll be doing baby stuff!

Bakugotta Birthday Coming Up

Our favorite exploding boi has a birthday coming up tomorrow on 4/20 (BLAZE IT). So if y’all have any suggestions for fics, XPS sequences or artwork, hit up the ask box and suggest away!

Hey i put all my beetlejuice stuff on redbubble if u would love a sticker or love to get a sticker and give it to the actors or something haha… im just kidding…

