#all the wrong questions


Can’t believe I’ve never drawn book 2 Ellington before !!

Atwq characters + search histories :D

Happy pride month to mysterious apprentices, determined chemists, journalists in towns without newspapers, girls with question mark eyebrows and smiles that could mean anything, girls that perform a two-person caper on their own, Jacques Snicket, chefs that love their gfs, typists with strict mothers, recently kidnapped actresses, and firefighting sculptors <33

things that would be really cool to see in an atwq adaptation (i know some of these wouldnt work irl, but its fun to imagine!):

  • 2D ANIMATION. just imagine how cool it would be to have a drawn Bomby! Plus, theres so much charm that could be put into things like the expressions and gestures that wouldn’t be as powerful in live action.
  • Cast cover of Solitude like how asoue did That’s Not How the Story Goes !!
  • You know how in chapter 13 of each book, a volunteer updates Lemony on Kit? Instead of that, cut directly to Kit in the city planning the heist, perhaps with other asoue character cameos??
  • Occasional fourth-wall breaks from Lemony where he addresses the viewer. Once he does this in front of the other associates and theyre like “???? who are you talking to?????”
  • 13SI is there as bonus content if you get an extended disk or something idk. it’s separate from the movies themselves and edited in a found-footage style, kind of old vhs vibe. In “Figure in Fog”, it cuts to static just as we’re about to hear what the word is.

ellington takes a cat inside during a storm <3

lofi jazz to relax/destroy town to


Atwq characters + search histories :D
