

All Rise 3x01

  • We’re back!!!
  • Hello, new Robin
  • Cuthbert wins??
  • Oop, no she didn’t. Lola wins!
  • Mark and Amy, a couple that slays together stays together
  • Go good. Go good!
  • Luke looking for Emily :(
  • Lola: Let me innnn!
  • They deactivated her keycard already? When does anything get done that quickly?
  • Sherri to the rescue!
  • Sara back with the gossip
  • ♪ Second Time Around ♪ 
  • Benner not questioning why Lola’s on the floor asdfjkhf
  • Ness! I love the new sign. You’re doing great, sweetie
  • Lisa asking her to park the Lolacoaster. Has she met Lola?!
  • Hello, new bailiff
  • Maggie Palmer always a thorn in Luke’s side. I love that for her tbh.
  • Sara working for Mark. Office shenanigans, please.
  • Give Ness a raise!
  • He was 17? So a lesser charge for a juvenile, right.
  • Lola always being watched by senior judges
  • Yessss! Sue them, Ness! Get what you’re owed.
  • Rachel zooms in! I love the couch and artwork <3
  • Benner is leaving :’(
  • Mark: *hisses*
  • Was the high heels fake-out a little dig at over-glamorizing Emily in s2?
  • No longer looking at a life sentence because he was under 18 by 2 minutes. Wow.
  • Amy offers Ness a promotion. As she should.
  • Three cheers for Benner
  • Luke and Emily can’t stop smiling at each other. Look how happy they are to be back in each other’s lives :D
  • Hello, Dahlia Burke, new bailiff in 802. Nice to properly meet you.
  • Cuthbert out for blood. Lola can’t have at least one day back without the drama. Classic Lolacoaster behaviour. And we love her for it.