

i guess ive never written done much about Aloina ever, building in my head all these years i guess its time to write it down! Please note that some of the lore could be incorrect, since blizzard does have a habit of recont and im been using out dating wikis hahaah

- Aloina’s story is basically that she starts off being very selfish and self centred, her world was basically Silvermoon (until lich king come knocking on their door) and well since she is a blood elf and takes such pride in her people, that she basically saw every other race kind of below her. (lowkey racist) That was until she become adventurer, with her adventurer, she meant many different people and races alike. She watched many different races go through sacrifices themselves and really challenges themselves, so many of them go through hardships and different times, some of them gave up and others keep going with a fighting spirit but this made Aloina really reflect on who she was and what she was. Doesnt mean she cant be a little bit of a bitch (sometimes) but as of Legion, Aloina is much less self centered and is all about working for the common goals of the Horde or for the good of Azeroth.

- Aloina is like any blood elf, prideful of her people, still can be arrogant at times, a little bitchy as well, but if you can get thru her tough front and gain her trust, she can be a lot more softer and kind. Its all just how you apporah her on things! “Heyyyy Aloina!! Your hair looks so good today, would you know give me a port to Shattrah please!” Can get you a lot more then “Oi, mage port to Shattrah!” its all about how you approach things with her! Her Softer side is much nicer then her angry side. Even if she isnt the most friendly (on the outside) She can be at least civil to most people she has meet. (unless you are an Tauren, she has a soft spot for them which i will explain later why) she generally isnt as hostile to strangers as she used to be. Over time she has learnt that being nice to people gets her a lot more then being hostile. Sometimes her arrogant will show through, but she is honestly a lot less softer then her younger days, especially when it comes to being a mage, lmao she thinks she is the best, but in reality, as a Archmage she still has a long way to go. Her Hypocritical is another one of her faults, she has a habit of saying one thing and doing another thing, easy to call her out on it tho. (she will super flustered about it tho) tl;dr she is a little messy and kind of rough of the edges, but under it all means well and kinds to people she trusts.

- Aloina Evenkind was born as High Elf in SIlvermoon City, her family lived on the outskirts, with her mother a Lieutenant in Farstriders and her father a healer. She always had a close relationship with her brother, Haydel, as there had 5 years gap and Haydel always felt responsibility for looking after her. Her happy childhood ended the day that Scourge ruined Silvermoon and the Sunwell, Aloina and Haydel somehow survived for 4 days under a street cart hiding from the Scourge and were rescued. Unfortunately there both lost there parents that day. Aloina become very reserved and does still suffer PTSD to this day from the events. Haydel upset and wanting to revenge for what happened to his home and his parents, and still could not be satifsy with sitting home and sitting in the ruined city. Left young Aloina in Silvermoon and joined Kael’thas’s army in Outland. Aloina would for many years think her brother was dead until there meet again during Burning Legion’s invasion of the Broken Isles. She would prefer never to talk about him and still reminds distance of him, as he now is a Demon Hunter.

- Once Aloina’s magic abilities started to show and not wanting to become a wretched like many of her fellow mages before her, she decided to become a adventurer, mainly to save her people and the sunwell. Not that she realise that her quest would be really discover who she was truely meant to be.
