#along with your regular genius but still



A note from Lucy: Well would you look at that! Its another poetry drabble! I’ll probably stop churning the. out at some point but they are really fun to write. The idea of shouto sat in bed Laye at night, dreaming about you while he scrawls these out into a notebook has me soft. He would be blessing the whole time!

The Finer Things

Todoroki Shouto x (GN) Reader


WC: 0.3K

TWs: (1) Blood (Mentions of)

Part One,Part Two,Part Three, Part Four

Nothing soothes an ache like time. Give me meaning. Rip it from my bleeding hands. Leave me wounded. But love, that can’t stop you from once being mine, the principle still stands and the past is indented.

Into my mind you have slipped, my love. Like a thief in the night. And although you have stolen my thought, you have somehow taken my heart with it. I see it in your possession. Even now, it still lays there, beating meekly with snuffed out yearning. How could you dare to leave me with this ghost of a love and the hollow echo of that same hushed beating.

Heaven and hell were such as mere words to me. Only when I was bid the pleasure of your company did I truly understand what man was preaching. For being without your velvet touch and this saccharine laugh is to be plunged into a dingy, burning, seething pit. And to be with you is like a floating euphoria, a high like no other, and a taste I savour on my tongue ripe with sweet nothings upon it. All just for you.

What is love without springing from a whim? If I could not act upon it then nothing would prevail and I would forget. Don’t let me forget you. I never want you to be a familiar stranger.

These words live in poverty when elucidating this ever changing love we share. Shall I call it exquisite? Maybe ethereal? No. I think I shall leave it to the quiet to decide.

I want to exist in the comfort of being yours. But as we have previously learned, forever is a sickly-saccharine-sweet delusion. So, for now, it will have to do. Pardon my avarice, dearest.

I have leaped into these depths before. Maybe I will gladly do it again. I know that as long as I am with you, not a harrowing thing could happen again. Perhaps drowning won’t satiate its hunger on me? You will keep my head above, will you not? Lift my chin with your refined graces; Cast a gaze upon my eyes; set my fluttering stomach at rest in the comfort of you. Do it all and have no mercy on my enthralled soul. Afterall, there is only one way for me to find out.

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Comments and reblogs are really appreciated as I crave validation and my will to write is a dying species. (Please, for the love of God help me out!)

©️lovers-liability 2021 - Under no circumstances may you republish anywhere or use as material for ASMR audios.

I literally love you and this so much
