#alpha musk

Enthralling him yet further.

Enthralling him yet further.

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Bet he got some funk!

Hirsute and Musky, inviting you in to sniff, SUBMIT, and Worship.

Pussyboys: Whenever blessed with the opportunity breathe deeply of the Musk of an Alpha. All that an

Pussyboys: Whenever blessed with the opportunity breathe deeply of the Musk of an Alpha. All that an Alpha produces is precious to you. Let His pheromones saturate your senses and sink you deeper into the depths of your submission.

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Every inch of an Alpha is praiseworthy. Breathe deep of His mansmell and worship His pits with your

Every inch of an Alpha is praiseworthy. Breathe deep of His mansmell and worship His pits with your tongue. SUBMIT

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It’s okay for Him to remind you who you belong to.

For we crave such reminders. They provide comfort and solace as well as stoking our submission.
