#also fjord forever third wheeling


So I saw someone wanted to know how much HP Yasha has healed using Healing Hands and how much it was just on Beau. I went to the linkable transcripts (which you can find here: https://kryogenix.org/crsearch/) did a quick search and here are the results: 

Yasha casts healing hands on herself twice

  • C2E10: Waste and Webs (2:33:23) (3 HP)
  • C2E22: Lost Treasures (1:55:58) (5 HP)

Total: 8 HP
Yasha casts healing hands on Fjord four times:

  • C2E60: A Turtle By Any Other Name (0:19:48) (9 HP)
  • C2E96: Family Shatters (1:30:52) (11 HP)
  • (Travis as Yasha) C2E50: The Endless Burrows (3:52:01)(7HP) 
  • (Matt as Yasha) C2E55: Duplicity (3:57:28)(8HP) 

Total: 35 HP
Yasha casts healing hands on one of the yetis: 

  • C2E115: Fetching Fables & Frosty Friends (3:12:35) (13 HP)

Total: 13 HP
Yasha casts healing hands on Caleb two times:

  • (Travis as Yasha) C2E44: The Diver’s Grave (2:13:48) (7HP)
  • (Travis as Yasha) C2E50: The Endless Burrows (1:19:35) (7HP)

Total: 14 HP
Yasha casts healing hands on Beau five times:

  • C2E25: Divergent Paths (2:52:29) (5 HP)
  • C2E87: The Cathedral (2:49:50) (10 HP)
  • C2E102: Ghost, Dinosaurs, and Stuff (0:24:36) (12 HP)
  • C2E124: A Walk to Warmer Welcomes (0:41:20) (13 HP)
  • C2E106: A Fog Lifted (0:20:42)(12HP)

Total: 52 HP

(edit) So it turns out I did miss a few, which means that Yasha has healed a total of 122 HP. Beau still taking 42% of the total HP healed and 55% of the total healed when Ashley is playing Yasha. Thanks to @thebeaubarand@thefriendlymurderer for pointing out those that I was missing.
