#also notice that im not characterizing 2d as a precious bab


2D and Murdoc’s relationship was forged through a combination of their shared love for creating music and 2D’s at-the-time recent brain damage. The fact that Murdoc went on to encourage their unhealthy power dynamic (partially caused by their significant age gap) and physically abused 2D characterized their relationship as incredibly toxic. This remained true of them until Phase 5, when Murdoc actively chose to change his behavior and 2D found out he could lead the band without their normal bassist just fine. Phase 5 mostly served to balance the power dynamic between them. However, as it currently stands, they are still extremely codependent and I firmly believe more genuinely good moments need to be shown before we can say Murdoc has actually changed. Less Aries, more Cadbury Creme Egg. Until we see a better dynamic, moments like the one at the end of The Lost Chord are effectively meaningless. 
