#also on vlv

 Another simple pin-up of @louistrations’ Milk Snake Ophira because I’m love her [Click/

Another simple pin-up of @louistrations’ Milk Snake Ophira because I’m love her

[Click/tap image to view best quality]
Louis-related] [Ophira by Louis]
(Above links may not work correctly on tumblr app)

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 The first of five commiseration pin-ups for characters who didn’t win any of 2021’s End

The first of five commiseration pin-ups for characters who didn’t win any of 2021’s End-of-Month Pin-Up polls!  Here’s Kay in last year’s Valentines Lingerie theme.

(And since they’re out-of-focus this time, I promise, the background candy hearts have the same text on them as last year’s illustration, no need to squint!)

[Click/tap image to view best quality]
Kay|PinUp] [All End of Month Pin-Ups]
(Above links may not work correctly on tumblr app)

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