#also seriously go watch this show its so good


So I watched Midnight Mass and then rewatched it again shortly after because it was SO. GOOD.

I’d definitely recommend it if you like horror and especially if you liked Bly Manor. That said, perhaps the thing that’s stayed with me the most is the fascinating theology of the show. There’s this scene where one of the main characters explains what it is to die and her understanding of God, and it’s honestly stunning. Here it is (obligatory spoilers warning):

What’s incredible is that this happens after she (a devout Catholic) and Riley (another main character and an atheist) have a conversation in which they each describe what they think happens after death. Both are stunningly beautiful on their own, and together, but the incredible part of the above is that this is her second monologue about this, and she synthesizes them.

More to the point, she synergizes them. And the result graduates to a form that feels very, well. Jewish, actually, in its understanding of the absolute unity and oneness of G-d, and of the infinite.

Idk, I’d be very interested in other people’s (particularly other Jewish people’s) reactions to this monologue.
