#also the banners are wonderful



Fanartists. Can’t live without them, really honestly what would even be the point, am I right? You make our days brighter, you give our dreams colour, you… catch my drift; fanartists deserve the world, but for now; here’s a small, awkward, really loving flail, celebrating several artist from this unproportionally talented fandom! (the first of… loads, probably!) Let’s get right into it. 


@crazybutgood​‘s origami is: heartfelt, brilliant, honestly unbelievable?? Like literally how—from adorable animals, to positivity cups, to the most beautiful fic recs, there’s nothing she can’t fold. Literally. Nothing. Also, have I mentioned, her heart is just the biggest. CBG so often uses her skill to uplift other creators, collaborate, and just shine her light on this world. For instance, check out the advent calendar, an example not only of her kindness, but also her immense talent!

 Support CBG:~ko-fi~


@julcheninred​​’s art is absolutely breathtaking—the details, oh my god, just. There’s such depthto them, making every piece one you can stare at for a whole flipping day (trust me, tried and tested). The shapes, the colours, the creativityin every single artwork. How can there be so much story packed into them?! Unbelievable. And my god are they just so STUNNINGLY GORGEOUS!!!

Support Julchen:~ko-fi~


@babooshkart​​’s art gives the softest, most exquisitely lush vibes; it’s so full of love, seeing it literally soothes the soul (I’m telling you from experience!) there’s comforting when you need it, there’s warmth and there’s heart, there’s joy, and just – just things to take your breath away.And just when you thought ‘such bliss, what more could we possibly ask for?’ - how about a straight up 25 pieces in a row? I know. What a dream. Jump into the fluffiest fluff in this twenty five days advent art collection.


Spit-your-juice hilarious comics? Yep, got you: gah, each comic strip @filthylittlepureblood​​ posts has me cackling like a mad duckling. What? I have no idea, it’s just – listen, honestly. Harry’s glasses, Draco’s expressions, the details in the background, it all amounts to this: the goofiest,most hilarious, loveable stuff you can imagine. Can’t imagine it yet? Here – you’ll thank me later.


@emmessee96reborn’sstyle is instantly recognisable – the light that shines through, the lines, the. I actually said ‘lines’, yes, you’re right, I just don’t have the words!! It’s impossible for me to say what it is about their work that leaves me so breathless. Just that it does? It’s detailed and it’s funny and it’s absolutely, mind-melting-ly beautiful. Just like in this piece, for example. You see why I struggle, right? What words can convey this?!

Support Emmesse: ~Commissions~


It’s a bit hard for me to separate @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm​​, the artist, from joy the phenomenon. His heart, his humanness, all shine as clearly in his art as in everything else he does—deep, intricate, and so, so compelling. Every tiny detail is profoundly, decidedly loved; you can feel it down to the brush stroke of every star or twinkling light. Whether it’s a sad no oat milk day, or a moment of sunshine and happinessdistilled into paint, you’re sure to feelit. Or without rambling: Joy=magic, okay? If you still don’t know what I’m talking about, check out this bit out of Draco’s scrapbook.

Support Joy:~Commissions~


@pato-roldnart​​‘s art is… wow, I don’t even know where to start: the brilliant paintwork(is that a word?), the fantastic storytelling, the brilliance in every single piece. Can we spare a moment to shout MERMAID DRACO in unison, loud as possible? Because. My GOD. Gorgeous, compelling, full of light: feast yer eyes on this for a moment and take a deep breath with me. There’s so much more to discover. Here’s one more example, although I know full well you’re already convinced!


Not only is @3lvendork​​ an immensely talented writer; not only is she a terrific artist; but she combinesthe two together? WHAT!  And if you thought we ever stood a chance, I dare you to look at this 80’s drarry fanart and tell me you didn’t come back breathless. Her pieces are insightful, captivating, and just absolutely spectacular. Enjoy her huge mind on this microfic but in: artform


The way @slytherco​​ draws is realistic and dreamy all at once (emphasis on the dreamy—there’s not a single character that didn’t make me stare at the screen longingly). The vibes, and the details, and the sheer hnghgnt - what else can I say, really? After drooling all over my keyboard? No, there’s simply nothing else: perfection. 

Support Slytherco:~Commissions~


@caroll-in​​’s comics are at least ten levels above what I can describe in words: they manage to create such a complete, brilliant story in just a few panels(and every single time). They’re heartfelt, hilarious, impossibly endearing and just. So. Flipping. Gorgeous. Catch me staring at the wallpapers till I’m breathless; and please, how come each face is so endlessly expressive???

Here’s a comic strip that flew straight to my heart: Fly Me to the Moon

Support Karol:~Commissions~


Do I have an embarrassing, explicitly unique squeal for when I see @t4tdrarry​​‘s  art? You better believe it. Can you blame me? The light, the textures, and the expressions in every single drawing (can we talk about the blush for a second? Or just, let’s sigh together? I mean. The blush). It can bedark, it can be fluffy, it can be sexy as all heck, but it’s always, always, stellar work. Case in point: (please the blush I literally can’t) – look, they’re snogging!

Support Kryptidfox: ~ko-fi~

Robin!!!!! This is the most amazing thing to wake up to, look at this list!!! I can’t believe I’m on it too Thank you!!!
