#also this was fun

He found an old GameBoy Color with the GameBoy Camera and got it working again. Shit is like an old He found an old GameBoy Color with the GameBoy Camera and got it working again. Shit is like an old He found an old GameBoy Color with the GameBoy Camera and got it working again. Shit is like an old He found an old GameBoy Color with the GameBoy Camera and got it working again. Shit is like an old

He found an old GameBoy Color with the GameBoy Camera and got it working again. Shit is like an old Nokia phone, indestructible

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Inspired by this post@death-destiny-heroics-heartbreak

I couldn’t stop thinking about the “OH NO!” [lute strings jangle] being Jaskier fuckin falling off the boat… so I decided to make a comic. It was supposed to be a very simple like just sketch it out, don’t need to even color it or anything quick thing… and then turned into an 8 and a half hour project… so… yeah.
