



A gender that feels related to Intruders and/or Alternates from The Mandela Catalogue. 

> It can feel like a copy of another gender and/or thing. 
> It could also be inhumane yet slightly resembling that of a human such as how Intruders and Alternates can be.
> It can feel validated comforted, or just generally connected to Intruders and/or Alternates.
> This an also be a kingender for Intruder-/Alternate-kin 

The colours come from the general photos of Intruders/Alternates which are B&W.
The Face symbolizes Intruders/Alternates, esp ones who are not exact copies (thus the droopy, oddly shaped eyes)
The black goop symbolizes the general horror of TMC, however can also note the change of them taking over a body.
