#although it’s always been really good



A little thing to cheer myself up :-) It’s Green and Red from an AU thingy I’ve got!

Red can tell when Green is down, so he’s sure to cheer him up in his own Red-way! Green is always thankful for the kind gestures and company.

I also want to thank all of you for the continued support throughout my blog. There’s been a lot going on. But it’s my friends and everyone here who enjoys my silly little comics and art that raises my hope up!

As I’ve been away, I’ve also been working vigorously on improving my art. I also will be undergoing rebranding (Not here on this blog, but other social places!) I will be sure to let everyone know in due time. I hope to try and post here just a bit more often as well.

Despite everything, I hope everyone is doing okay ^^ Remember to drink water!
