


Because I’m away from my workspace for a bit, let me dump Geht on y’all today.

Back when I made Caez, I made their brothers a big part of their character growth. (Stix is going to get a makeover sometime soon too, don’t worry-) but Geht kinda. Eluded me. I just made him a skinny, worried looking Stix with longer hair. He didn’t have much of a personality or a story. He was just the less fucked up Hel sibling who had a little bit of Jedi training under his belt. (And he loved his junk-)

In 2019, I was giving my SW OC’s a complete overhaul because we were neck deep in the mess that was TROS and I rewrote Caez’s story 84 times, so why not try to do something more with Geht? So, instead of making him favor his brother, I decided to make him more like Caez: green eyes, distinct nose, long hair. At that time, he was still pretty morally light. Working for the resistance. Still a junker with a saber, not much going on there. The most interesting thing about him was 1. His design and 2. His relations to the characters around him. More Caez looking. Still not much to the character yet.

Then last year, I was figuring out my gender crisis- Geht popped up again. Idk why. Call it fate. But I thought “maybe this’ll be my masc self insert for Star Wars” and damn, if that didn’t make him a little more interesting to me (I’m self absorbed, what can I say) so. Metal arm. And SIGNIFICANTLY DARKER BACKSTORY. Check. Check. He’s still the junker who stores his collection in a hollowed out freighter ship on Takodana, and he’s still technically only a Jedi on the books so he can get paid, but… add a little spice.

Updated Jedi-for-hire Geht was great. Pretty. Looks clean. Looks good. So, I had to update his “junker” look. And ORIGINALLY, Geht had a mask (I don’t have any of the original art with his mask sobs) and I thought, “You know what? That’ll make sense. He’s got a pretty recognizable face, considering CAEZ is his sibling. Let’s bring back the mask.”

And even thought a few people have been like “oh yeah, he LOOKS like Caez now” I like to think they’re still very distinctly different. They’re siblings, but they’re not identical. Geht is skinny, sharp. Caez is soft, beef lmao


Bibofication in action

Oz is the dilf looking character who’s not actually a dilf (yet). He’s only 30. Those greys are premature
