

Author: @always-andshewrites

Prompt: Katniss and Peeta are meant to be together. Their whole friend group is sure of it. But they seem oblivious to each other’s (and their own) feelings. So their friends have decided to take matters into their own hands. They set up a vacation weekend (Spring Break/Memorial Day/your choice) and have picked a house where there will only be one bed left for the two of them to share. Will Peeta and Katniss finally figure things out? [submitted by @jedimandy​]

Rating:M / E (eventually)

Summary: The prompt says it all!

Katniss had been looking forward to this weekend for months. Three and a half days locked away with her five closest friends. She couldn’t wait to be surrounded by the wilderness, to inhale the piney scent of the fresh air, and to have what would hopefully be a relaxing Memorial Day weekend at Annie’s uncle’s lake house.

She had finally arrived, no thanks to the miserable two-hour drive in her beat-up, air-condition-less Toyota Corolla. The second she stepped inside, she was more than thankful the lake house came fully stocked (meaning all she had to do was pack her clothes), but most of all, that it had fully functioning central air.

It hadn’t surprised Katniss in the least when Annie was assigning their bedrooms, that she was somehow paired with Peeta. Logically, it made the most sense. Annie would room with Finnick, her boyfriend since‒well, actually, Katniss couldn’t recall a time in which Annie and Finnick weren’t a couple. Then there was Gale and Jo. They would share a room, since, like Annie and Finnick, they were also an “item.” That left her and Peeta, and only one remaining room. In their previous trips to the lake, Katniss and Peeta always had their own room, but apparently, this year one of the rooms was undergoing renovations, leaving only one spare guest room.

Katniss wasn’t sure why sharing a room‒or was it the bed‒that seemed to be bothering her so much this time; it wasn’t as if she’d never shared a bed with Peeta before. Though they weren’t a couple, and never had been, they were best friends. They hit it off from the very first moment they met. She couldn’t count how many times she’d thanked Gale for forcing her to go to the beach that day.

“You know, I can always sleep on the couch if it–it um…makes you uncomfortable.”

Peeta’s voice broke her from the trance she was in‒thinking about that day on the beach as she mindlessly unloaded her clothes from her suitcase and tossed them into the drawers.

“Don’t be silly, Peeta; it’s fine. Your snoring doesn’t bother me anymore,” Katniss joked, trying to keep the mood light.

Peeta snuck up from behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist before planting a kiss on her cheek. For some reason, this caused goose pimples to form there, in the exact spot where Peeta’s lips had grazed her skin, all the way down her neck, along with a strange tingling-warm sensation throughout her insides.

“I don’t snore,” Peeta pretended to be offended, backing away. “It’s just…I don’t know, you seemed kind of tense when Annie paired us up. Anyway, just know it’s an open-ended offer. My feelings won’t be hurt if you change your mind.” Peeta tried to assure her.

“Shut up,” Katniss retorted playfully, pushing him away. “It’s fine, Peeta. I was shocked, is all,” Katniss defended herself, though even she didn’t believe her own words.

Since Katniss and Peeta were the last to arrive at the lake house, they weren’t privy to Annie, Finnick, and Jo’s deception. While Gale was scouting the woods, Jo cornered Finnick and Annie with a plan of her own.

(A few hours earlier)

“Okay, who else is fed up with Cinnamon Buns and Brainless? They’re obviously sickeningly in love with each other…have been for God-knows-how-long. Everyone sees it except for them, so we’ve have to force them to admit it to themselves.”

Annie squealed, jumping up and down and clapping giddily like an excited little girl. “Oh! I’m so in, what were you thinking?”

“Well, hmmm,” Jo began, pressing a finger to her chin in thought. She had to think, and quickly, before Gale returned. He wouldn’t approve of their scheming against his two closest friends, and if he found out, he would definitely sell them out.

“Aha! I got it!” Jo beamed, her eyes lighting up with an idea.

Finnick simply stood back, observing the girls with amusement.

“First, we need to eliminate one of the rooms. Force them into sharing a room‒and a bed.” Jo waggled her brows for effect. “Any ideas?”

Annie’s brows furrowed in concentration as she thought of how she and Jo could pull this off. Then her eyes widened, lit up like a Christmas tree as the grin stretched across her face.

“We’ll block the room off. Say my uncle is doing renovations or something and he told me the only stipulation for us spending the weekend here was the one room is off limits.”

“Okay, but how do you suppose we block the room off?”

Finnick, who had been listening intently to the scheming girls had the perfect thing in his bag. And, of course he would, for he wasn’t known as an immature prankster for nothing.

“You girls just leave that to me.” Finnick grinned mischievously, pulling out a roll of yellow “KEEP OUT” tape from his pack.


Throughout the evening, Jo and Annie occasionally traded devious grins when no one was looking. Their first night was coming to a close‒everyone was exhausted from the drive down, coupled with the mind-numbing heat and the fact that it was almost midnight.

“I think I’m going to call it a night. This face doesn’t achieve perfection on its own; I need my beauty sleep,” Finnick said with a yawn. Annie shoved his head playfully, pushing him into the sofa.

“Shut up, Odair,” Katniss snarked as she and Peeta watched their friends exit the room. First Finnick and Annie, then Gale and Jo, disappearing down the hallway.

“You coming?” Katniss locked eyes with Peeta as she stood up to fall in line with her friends.

“I think I’m going to tackle the dishes. I wanted to make breakfast in the morning, and I’d rather start the day with a clean kitchen.” Peeta told her.

  “Oh, okay. Um…” Katniss faltered, feeling disappointed. “I’ll help you then,” she offered.

“Katniss, um, that’s sweet but no‒” Peeta said softly. “You can barely hold your eyes open, and it’s really not that much. Just everyone’s glasses and a few bowls. Go get comfy, and I’ll meet you in there.” Peeta could tell that Katniss wasn’t going to let this go. “Look, it’ll take me less than ten minutes, but if you stay in here with me, we’ll end up talking and it’ll take twice as long.”

Katniss frowned, her brows drawing together. She wanted to object, but she knew Peeta was right. “Fine,” she stated stubbornly. “But if you’re not there in ten minutes, I’m coming to find you,” she playfully threatened her best friend.

“Deal,” Peeta said.

Katniss made her way to the room she’d be sharing with Peeta, grabbed her nightclothes and toothbrush, then opened the door to the adjoining bathroom.

I sure am glad it was the other room and not this one that’s getting renovated, Katniss thought optimistically as she made her way into the private full bathroom attached to her room. She picked up her nightclothes and slipped into the dark, hunter green tank top. Then, as she climbed into the orange-like-the-sunset, with light, paler orange polka dotted pair of boxer shorts she’d once stolen from Peeta, a smile crept upon her lips.

As she brushed her teeth, her eyes locked with her reflection.

“This is no different than any of the other hundred times Peeta and I have slept in the same bed,” Katniss felt silly defending herself‒to herself. Then, she could have sworn that her reflection crossed its arms and raised a condescending brow at her, so she closed her eyes tightly and shook her head back and forth. “Man, I must have drunk more than I thought,” she told herself.

When she was finished in the bathroom, she headed back into the room. She was eager to climb into the feather-light, queen-sized bed and slip under the goose down comforter and fall asleep in Peeta’s arms. For some reason, the nightmares never came when he was next to her.

So, that’s what she did. She pulled the covers back, toed her socks off, and waited for Peeta to join her.

And it wasn’t long. Two, three, maybe four minutes later, Katniss heard Peeta’s heavy footfalls entering the room. He spent less than ten minutes in the bathroom before he slid in next to her, smelling like…Peeta. She inhaled slowly and savored his musky scent of cinnamon and dill. Then, as if it was second nature, Peeta immediately pulled Katniss into his arms, close, close, closer to his body, not fully satisfied until Katniss’s back was pressed against his chest.

“Sweet dreams, Kitty,” Peeta whispered into her ear as she fell into a deep slumber.

Half-asleep, and moments from losing consciousness, the corners of Katniss’s lips curved up at the nickname. And then, just like that, she was out.


Katniss remembered waking up sometime in the middle of the night to see Peeta sleeping soundly. She was still cradled in his arms, their faces only inches apart. She was afraid to move, as she did not want to disturb him‒he just looked too peaceful. She was more than happy lying there, staring‒studying his features, something she rarely had the chance to do during her waking hours.

He really is a beautiful man, Katniss thought to herself as she mentally traced his perfectly symmetrical features.

And then: ‘Wow, I never realized how long and blond his eyelashes are…I wonder how they don’t get tangled when he blinks.’

That was the last thought Katniss had before she fell back asleep. She awoke some time later to the succulent aroma of bacon and the sound of grease sizzling in the frying pan‒in addition to an empty bed. She rushed into the bathroom, brushed her teeth and got dressed, then hurried to the kitchen.

“Good morning, sleepy head!” Peeta called out, grinning from ear to ear. Katniss surveyed the room to see that everyone else was already up. 

“So, us girls are going into town today. Gonna have a girls day while the boys stay home and do housework,” Jo mumbled with a mouthful of eggs.

“And, what exactly does that mean?” Katniss questioned with a raise of her brow. She wasn’t sure she liked the sound of where this was going.

Annie politely covered her mouth with her hand and giggled. “The boys said they have a surprise for us tonight, so I decided we’re going shopping.”

Katniss rolled her eyes. She hated shopping. But she knew it was pointless arguing with Annie.

Once breakfast was over, everyone pitched in to help Peeta get the kitchen back in order. Then the boys kicked the girls out, demanding they not return until at least six o’clock.


“Tell me Katniss, how was snuggling in bed with Cinnamon Buns all night? I’m telling you, girl, if Gale wasn’t so talented with that thing he does with his tongue—” Annie shoved Jo, knowing Katniss could only tolerate so much teasing before she snapped.

“Don’t listen to her, Kat; I’m sure Peeta was a perfect gentleman.” Katniss rolled her eyes at Annie’s retort, although she was always grateful for her friends support.

“Anyway, Brainless,” Jo went on. “Cinnamon Buns is just going to love your swimsuit.” Jo chuckled.

“Oh, you’re out of your bloody mind if you think I’m actually going to wear this thing. I don’t get it, though; why does something with less fabric cost more than the one with more?”

“Because sexy ain’t cheap!” Katniss had to laugh at Jo’s statement. She supposed there was some truth to it.

The girls went back and forth with their chatter until they got back to the cabin, right at six o’clock. 

“We’re out back!” They heard Gale call out as soon as they walked inside. The cabin, which was filled with the scent of fresh bread, was spotless. Katniss didn’t actually think they would do anything but drink beer and maybe go fishing. They followed the sound of Gale’s voice, walking through the cabin and out the back door to see the boys‒each with a beer in hand on the patio by the grill. 

“Kiss the chef? You’re such a weirdo,” Jo said when she saw Finnick in his ‘Kiss the Chef’ apron. But when he turned around to grab the plate for the steaks, Jo almost fell on the ground from laughing so hard when she got a full view of Finnick’s backside. The only thing underneath his apron was a skimpy, navy blue speedo. 

“Oh, come on. I’m bringin’ sexy back!” Finnick waggled his brows suggestively, then twirled Annie into his arms before pressing his lips to hers.

“I’m sorry, baby, but I have to agree with Jo. You’re such a dork!” Annie giggled, returning Finnick’s affection.

They had dinner outside, down at the Men’s Den, which was a small, screened-in porch-like structure at the end of a dock that floated on water. Dinner was steak, fried squash and zucchini, and baked potatoes, all cooked on the grill, in addition to Peeta’s famous yeast rolls.

After dinner, Annie handed out her and Finnick’s famous, homemade drinks. Fanny-rita’s, they called them.

Katniss began feeling the effects after her third drink. Her body slowly began to relax, and for some reason, every time she looked at Peeta she got this warm and fuzzy feeling inside. The feeling reminded her of happiness.

“Let’s go swimming!” Jo shouted from her position, straddled on Gale’s lap, cowgirl style.

“Let’s do it,” Gale mumbled in agreement.

“Oh yeah!” Annie squealed. “We forgot to show the boys what we got today!” Annie said, jumping up and flinging her sun dress off to reveal a cute two-piece bikini. Finnick pulled her to him and groaned.

“Oh baby, that is so sexy! And it’s definitely coming off…and soon.”

Peeta groaned at Annie and Finnick’s tongue-aerobics and said, “Gross, you guys‒get a room!” 

Jo soon followed suit and stripped down to her two-piece bathing suit that Katniss wondered how it even stayed on. It barely came with enough fabric to cover her nipples.

“Okay, your turn, Brainless.” Jo called out. Katniss crossed her arms and shook her head.

With narrowed eyes, furrowed brows, Jo glared at Katniss until she finally conceded.

“Okay, if anyone laughs at me, I swear I’ll skewer you with an arrow in your sleep!” Katniss threatened her friends. 

Peeta gave her a soft smile. “No one’s going to laugh at you,” he promised her.

Katniss removed her tank top first; that seemed the easiest thing to do. Then she slowly unknotted the tie of her wraparound skirt to reveal a modest, simple green halter-like top, and the bottoms looked like a pair of boy shorts. Jo was adamant she buy a bikini for tonight, and since Katniss lost a bet, she chose a bathing suit with the most fabric available.

Katniss was averting her eyes from everyone, trying to avoid their stares. But had she been privy to where her friends’ attention was directed at, she would have seen everyone’s eyes on Peeta, for they were only interested in his reaction.

Peeta tried, but he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off Katniss as she stripped down to her swimsuit. When the big reveal happened, his jaw dropped, his eyes widened, and then darkened with nothing but pure lust.

“See, that wasn’t so bad, now was it?” Jo asked, breaking the tension. 

“Alright, let’s jump in!” Gale said, shoving Jo into the lake. The sky was beginning to darken, the sun was setting on the horizon.

At once, Katniss realized this was Peeta’s favorite time of day. And the sky‒it was his favorite color. She wondered if that’s why she chose an orange bathing suit versus her favorite color of green.

The boys rough-housed, as boys like to do on the swinging rope for a while. Then they gradually paired off‒Annie and Finnick to one side of the dock, Gale and Jo on the other, leaving Katniss and Peeta lying-floating on their life jackets.


Peeta reached out for Katniss, pulling her into his arms. He hugged her tight, and the warmth of his wet skin raised Katniss’s body temperature by at least two degrees. Or at least, that’s how she felt.

“I missed you today,” Peeta whispered into her ear, inhaling her scent. Katniss didn’t know what to say–she wasn’t sure how to respond since they’d only been apart for a few hours today.

Peeta finally released his grip on Katniss, so she treaded the water, her and Peeta’s noses only inches apart.

There was a pregnant pause, although not uncomfortable in the slightest. “Katniss,” Peeta whispered her name, and it sent another surge of heat surging through her limbs.

“Yes?” Katniss managed, beginning to regret those last two shots. The way Peeta said her name had her instantly worried, that, and the fact that he was refusing to meet her eyes.

‘Oh no, this is it. This is the moment I’m going to lose him. He’s going to tell me he’s met someone. That we won’t be spending as much time together,’ Katniss silently worried.

“There’s um…I need to tell you something, and I need to say it now, while I have the extra courage. But you have to know, Katniss; you have to know I’m not saying this just because I’ve had a few drinks. I’m not drunk, and I know exactly what I’m saying. I just need you to know the things I’m going to tell you…I feel them…every minute of every day, and especially when I’m completely sober.”

“Okay. Tell me, Peeta. You know you can tell me anything.”

“I know, Katniss,” Peeta paused, finally looking up to meet her eyes. “I just…I don’t want to lose you, I can’t—”

Katniss locked her hands around both of Peeta’s wrists, thankful for the life preserver keeping her afloat. “That would never happen Peeta. There is nothing you could ever say or do that could—”

In an instant, Katniss felt her body colliding against Peeta’s, his hands still firmly on her hips. He pulled her body flush to his—and the only place for her legs to go was around his waist. Then he pressed his forehead to hers so that their noses were touching.

“You feel it too, don’t you. Katniss?” Peeta’s question came out in a raspy whisper, almost seductive. Or, maybe Katniss was just imagining things.

“I…I—uh,” Katniss stuttered. Of course, she felt it, too; she’d felt it for a long time. But she was too much of a coward to say it out loud.

“I know you feel it, Katniss. Please…tell me,” Peeta begged her. “I-I need to hear you say it.”

Katniss tried to wiggle out of his arms, tried to break the hold he had on her, but Peeta’s grip remained firm.

“Peeta, you’re drunk,” Katniss dismissed his words.

“I might be, but that doesn’t change anything. My blood alcohol level doesn’t affect the way I feel about you, the way I’ve always felt about you. From that first day on the beach, I knew you were something special Katniss. I knew you were precious, someone to hold on to. I knew I had to have you, in whatever capacity you would allow.” The vibration of Peeta’s voice sent a shiver up Katniss’s spine.

“Now you’re just making things up.” Katniss blushed, finally giving up on trying to escape Peeta’s arms.

“I’m not. I remember the day I met you as if it were yesterday. It’s permanently embedded in my mind.

 (Four years ago)

“Holy shit—who is that girl with your girlfriend, Finnick?” It took Peeta a moment to get his voice to work when he saw her. They were on the beach tossing a football back and forth while they waited for the rest of their friends to join them.

“Oh, that’s Katniss.” Peeta watched this “Katniss” run up to Gale and wrap her arms around his neck, and he felt red-hot jealousy bubbling in his veins.

“I didn’t know Gale had a girlfriend,” Peeta said to Finnick.

“Oh, they’re not together. They’ve been friends since like…they were in diapers—oh shit, Peet! You wanna tap that, don’t you? Don’t let Gale find out; he’ll beat the shit outta you if you hurt her. He’s like…fiercely protective over her.”

Peeta couldn’t wipe the grin off his face as he watched Katniss walking toward him, sandwiched between Annie and Gale. There was no way on God’s green Earth that he would ever hurt her. She was the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes on. She was someone to love, to cherish, to worship. Her chestnut hair was in a single braid, slung over her left shoulder. The hair tie at the end of the braid was in the shape of a primrose. Her olive-toned skin sparkled under the sunlight, beads of sweat forming across her freckled nose. She wore a dark green, one-piece bathing suit, with one of those wrap-around skirts, tied at her hip.

Peeta forced himself to focus; he didn’t want to make a fool of himself—he knew first impressions were important.

“Yo, Peet,” Gale called out as he walked over to him, Katniss by his side. “This is Catnip.” Peeta frowned at the name, just as Katniss punched Gale’s bicep.

“It’s Katniss, don’t listen to this idiot,” Katniss corrected Gale, smiling from ear to ear, meeting Peeta’s eyes. At that moment, Peeta had never seen a smile as beautiful as hers.

“I’m Peeta,” Peeta said, waiting for her face to sour at hearing his name. Most people did.

“Like the bread? Hmm, I like it,” Katniss said, amused.

“Well, yes and no. It’s spelled differently. My dad’s a baker…”

“I can’t believe you remember all that.” Katniss blushed after Peeta took them down memory lane.

“I remember everything about you, Katniss.”

Time stood still as their eyes locked. No words were spoken under the light of the moon, for they didn’t need to be. Katniss felt her heart pounding inside her chest, felt a stirring in her belly, then a throbbing at her center.

Peeta reached up and cupped the back of Katniss’s head before gently, slowly, pulling her lips to his, so as to allow her time to reject him. However, the rejection never came. Peeta pressed his mouth against hers, ran his tongue across her lips and peppered her with sweet, gentle kisses.

In that moment, Katniss could swear she heard trumpets blaring, followed by fireworks. She meant to tell Peeta no, that they couldn’t do this. They shouldn't do this. She didn’t want to ruin the best friendship she’d ever had. She couldn’t lose Peeta, not over some silly crush. She meant to push him away, to swim back to the dock, but the moment his lips touched hers, she melted in his arms. She pulled herself closer to his body, if that was even possible and deepened the kiss, and she locked her arms around his neck, tightening her legs around his waist. A wave of embarrassment rolled over her when a moan escaped her mouth as Peeta’s lips found their way to her neck.

“Woo-hoo!!!” Annie called out, clapping giddily in Finnick’s arms.

“About fucking time!” Johanna snarked, and Katniss could feel her cheeks turning a deep shade of crimson.

“Shut up, ass suckers!” Peeta yelled at his friends, unable to wipe the shit-eating grin from his face.

Katniss hid her face in the crook of Peeta’s neck, too embarrassed to face her friends. They’d been giving her and Peeta hell for the longest time. Always nagging them about “getting over it and hooking up already.” And for the longest time, Katniss and Peeta insisted that they were only friends. And they were.

But now there was no turning back.

“Okay, continue,” Annie waved them on. “Pretend like we’re not even here.”

Peeta continued to hold Katniss while he bobbed in the water, but their moment was broken. Katniss was too nervous to do anything more. But Peeta was at least grateful she wasn’t pulling back.

“Want to go inside?” Katniss nodded at Peeta’s question. Peeta  guided them to the ladder and climbed out, then helped Katniss up the ladder. He grabbed two towels from the warmer, handing one to Katniss.

“We’re going in. Don’t drown,” Peeta called out without looking back.

“Yeah, yeah, we’ll be up soon.”

Katniss and Peeta walked back to the cabin with their fingers linked and their hearts connected.


“Peeta, I-this-I don’t think‒” Katniss began to protest, but Peeta stopped her.

“Katniss,” Peeta whispered into Katniss’s ear and she melted like silly putty. “Can you honestly look me in the eye and say you don’t want this as much as I do? Because if you can, I’ll never mention it again. We’ll pretend like the last twenty-four hours never happened and nothing will change.”

Peeta and Katniss had been back from the lake for at least an hour. They had both showered (separately), gotten into their night clothes, crawled into the bed, and slipped under the covers.

A tear escaped from the corner of Katniss’s eye, and Peeta caught it with the pad of his thumb.

“Don’t cry Katniss, I’m‒”

“Peeta, no, I can’t‒” Peeta felt a giant lump form in his throat and it took everything in him to force the tears away. “I can’t tell you that Peeta, because I do. I feel it, too. I have for a long time.” Katniss knew this wasn’t what she should say, but she had never lied to Peeta and she didn’t plan to start now.

As suddenly as it appeared, the giant lump in Peeta’s throat vanished just as quickly. Peeta thought Katniss was saying she can’t—with him, but she was simply answering his question from a moment ago.

“Peeta, you’re my best friend. When something happens in my life, whether it’s good, bad, or something as simple as me finding a clearance sale at the grocery store, you’re the first person I want to call. You mean so much to me, and it’s just that…I’m not just scared, I’m terrified.”

“What are you afraid of Katniss? You have to know that I would never hurt you, I’d never betray you, I—”

“It’s not…that’s not what scares me. I don’t doubt that. But…what if it doesn’t work out? What if things end badly and I lose the best friend I’ve ever had? I…I don’t think I could survive that.” Katniss’s voice trembled as she spoke these words. The thought of losing Peeta, or the possibility of never seeing him again…it truly petrified her, and she wasn’t sure which scared her more.

Peeta gave Katniss a soft smile and twirled a lock of her hair around his finger. “But what if it does work out? What if it’s great and amazing, or better than anything either of us could dream of? Because I think it could be. I think we could be something beautiful. And I think it’s worth the risk. That you’re worth the risk.”

Katniss hooked her arms around Peeta’s broad torso, scooted her body as close as she could manage and just held on for dear life. “I can’t lose you Peeta…I can’t. It would break me.”

Peeta engulfed Katniss in his arms and used his cheek to brush the stray hairs from her face. “You’ll never lose me Katniss. Never.”

Katniss hooked her leg over Peeta’s and rested her head against his chest. She inhaled the scent of cinnamon and dill and shivered.

“Are you cold?” Peeta asked. Katniss blushed, glad for the poor lighting in the room.

“No. I’m perfect.” Katniss said.

Then Peeta pulled back slightly, tilted Katniss’s chin up so their eyes met. Katniss wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that, just staring into the others eyes before Peeta leaned in. Slowly, slowly, he inched closer and closer until finally, his full, soft and lush lips grazed her own.

It took everything in Katniss not to attack Peeta, she so badly wanted to flip him on his back and devour him right here.

Peeta’s kisses were soft and gentle at first, as if they were asking for permission. One of his hands rested on the crest of her hip while the other reached out to cup the back of her head. Katniss wasn’t sure how it was possible, but Peeta pulled her closer, deepening their kiss. She parted her lips, granting him access, which he accepted greedily. His tongue traced her lips before he slid it into Katniss’s mouth.

Feeling an insatiable amount of pleasure, Katniss moaned and couldn’t find it in herself to even be embarrassed. Then she slid her hand up the back of Peeta’s t-shirt and dug her palms into the firm muscles of his back.

“This is a million times better than my dreams,” Peeta’s raspy voice vibrated against Katniss’s lips, and it sent a surge of electricity straight to her core.

Katniss had always wondered if Peeta was a good kisser. She even occasionally found herself daydreaming about Peeta’s tongue. She wondered if he tasted like he smelled…thought about what his tongue would feel like inside her mouth. She had even fantasized on a few occasions, what his tongue might feel like…in other places. But all the daydreaming in the world could have never prepared her for this moment. 

Peeta’s tongue…it was, in one word…sublime. Everything about it was perfect. Like the final puzzle piece, it fit perfectly in her mouth; it moved in perfect synchronicity with her own. It glided in and out, in and out slowly, then side to side…with the utmost perfection. 

Yes, Peeta was definitely a good kisser.

“God, you taste so good,” Peeta groaned, his slick tongue gliding against the sensitive skin of her neck.

Katniss untangled her arms from Peeta and tugged his shirt up. She wanted it off. She needed it off. She yearned for his bare skin to collide with hers. Peeta acquiesced and raised his arms, allowing Katniss to rid him of the thin fabric.

In turn, Peeta did the same to Katniss, seamlessly slipping her tank top over her head. Like a magnet, they gravitated into each other’s arms. For several minutes, Peeta held Katniss against his chest, savoring the pleasure her bare skin gave him, and then finally, tracing his fingers lightly across her back.

“Katniss?” Peeta rasped her name, and once again she shuddered. “I want you.” Katniss wondered how three little words could have such an effect on her body and how they caused every nerve in her body to come to life.

“I’ve wanted you for so long. I’ve fantasized and dreamed about this day so many times over. I never…I guess…what I’m trying to say is you’re the one in control tonight.“ Peeta’s serious gaze penetrated through Katniss as she listened to him continue. “You call the shots. Whatever you want, I’ll give it to you. But if you don’t…if there’s something you don’t want, or you’re not ready for, all you have to do is say the word. We won’t do anything you don’t want to do. I… just…please don’t be afraid to tell me no.”

How is this man so perfect? Katniss silently wondered as she tangled her limbs with Peeta’s, then slammed her mouth against his.

Katniss didn’t think there was a single thing she wouldn’t give Peeta‒tonight or…ever. Because the truth was, she’d never wanted anyone or anything more than she wanted Peeta right now.

To Be Continued…
