

alycia debnam carey for monrowe magazine 2017 !!

her features !! alycia debnam carey for rose inc

She is both adorable, charming, natural, beautiful, smart, cute, fun, impressive, sweet, intelligent, sexy, delightful.. and can you believe that she can do all of these at the same time

Director Alycia Debnam-Carey

Doesn’t she look great? Look at her confidence, i adore her because she knows what she deserves and she’s just enjoying it.. so she’s gorgeous behind the camera too

We met inner Alicia last night

and we loved her for turning alicia into the person she was meant to be.

The expression and body language on Alicia’s face is a peaceful reflection of a person who now believes in herself ✌

73 months..

Respect and love and longing..

The sky reflected on the ground as Alycia…

She’s my sky

March 3..

Today is Lexa day..

The only true commander..

The only character that feels too real to be fiction..

Unforgettable and always be loved..








Lexa’s words came to mind “you should rest Clarke”


I love this wise and realistic side of her.. so yes, she’s not fooling herself.. “hocus pocus” everything won’t change just because our earth has completed one revolution around the sun.. ofc nooo.. only our minds and hearts will change.. if it is necessary to stop for this we must stop and trust the wisdom of the universe.. we must stop, rest and listen in order to be able to integrate within ourselves, to see the wholeness of the universe.. need to stop and remember why we are on this planet..

Thank you Alycia and love ya

I hadn’t seen these behind the scenes footage of my baby and I reproach myself for that.

Padre / 7*8 Alicia Clark

Despite the bad writing, Alycia wowed me with her amazing performance.. She’s a Queen ⚡


Thought it was about time that I shared some of my own ADC fan art ❤️


73 months..

Respect and love and longing..
